This is an e-mail I received from one David Bromall in response to an e-mail update I had sent out to my list in late 2012:


2017-09-19 update

Here's another e-mail I received from David Bromhall not too long ago, in which he appears to be very concerned about helping the British police get new "laws" on the books to deal with stalking and harassment:

bromhall email 2017 07 19

As anyone who has spent much time on this website will probably already know, "gang stalking / harassment" is a cover story being used by the global (i.e. US / UK / Europe / allies) intelligence apparatus to conceal the fact that it is covertly neutralizing internal enemies in many countries using Stasi / KGB style untraceable "Zersetzung" tactics.  When he's not busy sending me "non-threatening" e-mails like the one first shown above, apparently Mr. Bromhall likes to pretend that our governments are the solution to, rather than the source of, this problem.

2017-10-11 update

Some more along the same lines that I received from David today:

bromhall 10 11 2017


Mind Control 301 - Common Disinformation Themes

Freemasonry 302 - There is no "Gang Stalking." There is Only Zersetzung.

[AYT] If This Were a Dictatorship, the Authorities Would Have Told Us