Q: Where does my funding come from?
A: There isn't much. I have received gifts from a family member. In addition to that I had a 401k which I cashed in. Much of this has already been spent to further my research by education, & equipment.

Q: Who is this site for?
A: This site is for anyone, targeted or not, who wants to learn the truth regarding this worldwide program of persecution. While I don't have the absolute truth, the insight I receive resulting from my research will be posted here.

Q: What about congress?
A: It's perfectly clear that they serve financial interests & not the people. If they ever decided to abolish the Federal Reserve, remove America from the UN, & kick all members of Think Tanks & secret societies (who have taken an oath to serve themselves & not their country) out of positions of political influence, then, maybe, they could be trusted. But that won't happen. Your congress & politicians have made their decisions known.

Q: What group am I with?
A: None. Groups will be infiltrated. Progress will be stalled. Individuals are more difficult to compromise. There are things an individual can do that a group can't. There are things that a group can do that a single person can't. For that reason, I will work with a group under the right conditions.

Q:Who's helping me put together this material?
A: Most of my work has been done on my own. I usually work better this way. I have received tips from people & do appreciate any constructive feedback. There have also been some helpful coincidences that have assisted me in my research.

Q: What is my goal?
A: My goal is simply to raise awareness. It is deliberately general, because this means many things, & can be approached from a variety of different angles. My interpretation of my life situation during a particular time period will determine which angle is best used. This in turn will determine which plans will be best suited to meet the larger objective.

Q: Why does the material on your site keep changing?
A: I try to write or speak the truth as it reveals itself to me at a given moment. Further study & thought may alter my perception of a subject, causing me to explain it in a slightly different way. This doesn't mean that I've completely discarded the previous truth because it was false. It usually means that my understanding of a subject has broadened & the previous truth is now contained in what I consider to be a higher understanding. For this reason I may be accused of being inconsistent. But I'd rather be inconsistent than static.