ORIGINAL ARTICLE URL: http://www.nowpublic.com/world/obama-bioethics-czar-blocked-talking-targeted-journalist
• Did federal agents or homeland security- directed fusion center operatives falsely and pejoratively infer that veteran reporter Vic Livingston -- who has exposed U.S. government microwave radio frequency weapon assaults on so-called "targeted individuals" -- posed a threat to the personal safety of the president of the University of Pennsylvania?
• Do Secret Service agents talk into their sleeves?
A not-so-funny thing happened to me Friday afternoon in the lobby of the University of Pennsylvania's administration building as I tried to leave a message for university President Amy Gutmann Ph.D., who is also the chairperson of a presidential commission investigating whether Americans are being harmed by programs of human biomedical experimentation.
I assumed I was being gumshoed; that's been the standard M.O. for the past seven years, since I realized that I was being extrajudicially persecuted, professionally and personally deconstructed by a multi-agency covert federal program that targets U.S. citizens who have been slandered by witch hunting ideologues and hate-mongers at all levels of government as "dissidents," undesirables or potential security threats.
But what I did not expect was that the 21st century McCarthyites running this American Gestapo would be so brazen as to infer to a noted American scholar that a 60-year-old journalist trying to leave her a written note somehow put her personal safety in jeopardy.
Once again, it appears, I have been slandered and defamed to an important person by government operatives who believe they've been granted an open license to commit politically-motivated character assassination under the false flags of national security and public safety.
But by their actions, these operatives also have drawn even more attention to my journalism -- articles which appear to have a direct bearing on the work of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, chaired by Dr. Gutmann.
So I suppose I can thank the American Gestapo for that unintended consequence.
So what exactly happened as I entered the lobby of the UPenn administration building's stately Gothic lobby -- with fusion center or federal agent operatives apparently surveilling my every move?
I approached the desk, introduced myself by name to the security guard, and asked if I could leave a short written note with Dr. Gutmann's secretary. I explained that I was a journalist and wanted to call her attention to an article I had written that has a direct bearing on her work.
The security guard said I could leave the note with him and that he would make sure she got it. So far, so good. I took out a notepad and began to jot down a short message, along with the internet address of my website, NowPublic.com/scrivener. Specifically, I suggested that she read two articles, the links to which appear just above my biography on that web page:
As I was writing out the note, Dr. Gutmann suddenly came walking down the lobby's staircase, accompanied by a man dressed in civilian clothes, who, from his demeanor and appearance, looked very much like a police detective or a security agent.
As I saw her descending the stairs into the lobby, I extended my hand in greeting and said, "Just who I wanted to see! I'm Vic Livingston, the former business reporter for Fox 29 Ten o' Clock News."
Dr. Gutmann smiled, shook my hand, and courteously stopped for a moment as I said words to this effect:
"I've written some articles that have a direct bearing on your work on the bioethics commission..."
Before I could finish my thought, the man accompanying her said sternly, "We've got to go," as he gestured to Dr. Gutmann, pointing toward a side door.
"This will take just a second," I said. At that point, what was a courteous, unexpected encounter turned cold.
"I've got to go," Dr. Gutmann said with a poker face, walking away briskly and out the side door.
The man who had been accompanying her stayed behind.
"I'll take your note," he said. "Make sure you write down your phone number."
So I did. But as I was appending the note, the security guard, who had been so professional just moments before, suddenly rose from his chair and approached me and Dr. Gutmann's handler. He came very close, literally pinning me between his chest and other man. I felt physically intimidated.
I finished writing out my phone number and handed the note to Dr. Gutmann's handler, suggesting that he might be interested in my articles as well. The man assured me that he would give the note to Dr. Gutmann, and he also exited through the side door from which the university president had left in a huff just moments before.
The security guard walked back to his desk and returned to his seat. I walked over and said words to this effect "Wow. It sure seems like somebody doesn't want me talking to Dr. Gutmann."
And then the security guard admonished me: "If you are going to be persistent, we are going to have to involve the campus police."
I was taken aback by the remark. "You don't have to threaten me," I said, before I turned to make leave. "Have a nice day."
As I exited the administration building and walked down the steps to the UPenn's Locust Walk, I spotted a young man in casual dress carrying a plastic bag emblazoned with the logo of the United States Treasury and the words "U.S. Mint." The Mint is directly adjacent to the federal building in Philadelphia, which houses the field offices of the Secret Service, FBI, IRS and other federal agencies. The young man's countenance screamed out "federal agent." So I approached him and said something like this, with a smile:
"I suppose you're waiting for me."
"Are we THAT obvious?" he replied, also smiling.
"Don't answer that -- you may incriminate yourself!" I muttered. We both laughed.
"Here," I said, "let me give you the address to my web site. When you go back to the office, tell your guys to read my articles -- we're all playing for the same team, you know."
I began to walk away, and the guy fell in next to me. So I continued:
"If this is a case of mistaken identity, I apologize; but I don't think so!"
I took a sharp right turn, and lost my "tail."
From the way this incident came down, it is apparent that the fusion center Gestapo's pervasive 24-hour surveillance of my telecommunications and supposedly private premises led my witch-hunters to surmise that I came to the UPenn campus to leave a message for Dr. Gutmann. I had tried to email her a short note with the links to my articles; it was addressed to the email address listed on the Bioethics.gov web site. I also attempted to email her at the address listed on the UPenn administration web site.
As seen over my (military contractor Lockheed Martin intercepted and censored) internet connection, that address appears as follows: "
Over the past seven years, I have learned from experience that my emails and telephone calls to important people almost never reach the intended recipients, and hardly ever get returned. In several instances, it appears that my calls are answered by impostors; in a recent call to The editorial offices of The Washington Post, the person who answered said he was not at liberty to give me the office phone number of journalist Bob Woodward, who has said in interviews that even his home phone number appears in the phone book. When I asked the person on the other end for the name of the executive editor of The Post, he was flummoxed, and I was switched to "music on hold" -- the same tune that I often hear when I suspect my calls have been diverted to what we "targets" call "the program."
I've been around the block in these parts for many years -- decades, in fact. I know many important people -- including some people with access to Dr. Amy Gutmann. I will find out -- as I suspect -- if agents or operatives falsely advised this important person that my presence on campus posed a security threat.
If my suspicions are correct, I intend to take all prudent and appropriate measures to restore my good name -- and to hold accountable those persons and entities behind this apparent campaign of politically-motivated character and career assassination.