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The Letters of Peter McWilliams
With special thanks to Ann McCormick for helping make this possible.
Please contact us if you have saved McWilliams' e-mails which are not in our archive so we can post them.


01/21/99 - Rev. Imler & Richard Nixon
08/30/99 - New Drug War Site
08/30/99 - Why 2K? Why Not 2K?
08/31/99 - Newsweek beats the Bush
08/31/99 - No drug link to family in fatal raid, police say
08/31/99 - Parental honesty in the time of drug wars
08/31/99 - It's melting, it's melting
08/31/99 - Set your VCRS - September 13th Showtime
09/09/99 - Tonight on CBS - drug war boot camp
09/12/99 - Marijuana as scapegoat
09/13/99 - GREAT NEWS!
09/13/99 - Mencken rules!
09/13/99 - The AP story on the 9th circuit ruling
09/13/99 - The complete 9th circuit ruling
09/13/99 - A village of 100
09/13/99 - On TV tonight
09/14/99 - LA Times on court ruling
09/15/99 - Clear thinking on the drug war front
09/16/99 - Encouragement
09/16/99 - LA Times and I
09/17/99 - Jefferson on States' Rights and Federal Wrongs
09/17/99 - The root of police corruption
09/18/99 - AC turned on in DC's medical marijuana initiative
09/19/99 - Another crack in the drug war case
09/19/99 - This week's question to ponder
09/20/99 - Another clear voice of freedom
09/20/99 - An excellent article about me in the LA Times
09/21/99 - Cops and the war on drugs
09/21/99 - Last e-mail to this list
09/21/99 - Yes, you are on my new list
09/21/99 - Barr's ban barred
09/21/99 - Tattoo you
09/23/99 - Buyer beware
09/23/99 - Can you believe this?
09/23/99 - Deja Vu all over again
09/23/99 - I'm Headed to th 9th Circuit
09/23/99 - Washington Post march to the drug war drum
09/25/99 - Hugh Downs on drugs
09/26/99 - Barr Barr the arrogant ignorant GOP elephant
09/26/99 - Drug testing fails test
09/26/99 - What Washington is smoking
09/27/99 - Drug TV
09/27/99 - Enjoy
09/28/99 - A drug warrior on the warpath
09/28/99 - The Faith of our Fathers
09/29/99 - Clinton supports medical marijuana
09/30/99 - Legalize marijuana and heroin - Gov. Johnson
09/30/99 - Please pull out those pixils again
09/30/99 - Fw: Nightline ABC Mandatory Sentencing
09/30/99 - The Feinstein-Hatch Stalin Bill
09/30/99 - The Bitter End
10/01/99 - DEA wrong again - we can dream, can't we?
10/03/99 - Jeez!
10/04/99 - The website about my trial back online
10/05/99 - Forbes the magazine is not the man, thank heaven
10/05/99 - Live internet broadcast of Beyond Prohibition
10/05/99 - Just who are the bigots, here?
10/06/99 - Recreational drugs
10/08/99 - Johnson vs. McCaffrey
10/08/99 - PDFA folk peddle caffeine to kids
10/08/99 - Back to the Future
10/08/99 - Canadian clear thinking
10/08/99 - Pharmaceutical news
10/08/99 - Pineapple, anyone?
10/15/99 - Pain and marijuana
10/15/99 - UPI on Lockyer, Reno and me - what a trio
10/15/99 - Feet to the fire in DC
10/15/99 - More on pain
10/15/99 - (no subject)
10/16/99 - Another article, another letter
10/16/99 - GHB or not GHB - that is the question
10/16/99 - Internation Crisis: The birdbrains snatch the birdseed
10/16/99 - John Stossel website
10/16/99 - McFast and loose on the loose
10/16/99 - Now is the time for your tears
10/16/99 - Push push in the Bush
10/16/99 - Satire more deadly than bullets
10/16/99 - The Kubby Case
10/16/99 - Truth or typo?
10/16/99 - Yahoo, the shit hits the fan in New Mexico
10/16/99 - Oops, URL for motion
10/17/99 - Clear Thinking from Ireland
10/17/99 - Of Targum and Teleposky
10/17/99 - Please help
10/18/99 - 682,885 lives ruined in 1998
10/18/99 - Bush arrested for cocaine in 1972
10/18/99 - Please help - oops
10/21/99 - Gen. George W. comes through
10/22/99 - Clinton's tortured course
10/23/99 - The government's at it again
10/24/99 - A great piece
10/24/99 - Boston Globe on me
10/25/99 - Bush bio update
10/25/99 - Excellent column
10/25/99 - Let us have mercy
10/25/99 - Looking for a good deed
10/26/99 - Fw: Me updated
10/26/99 - Fw: Very disturbing
10/26/99 - I made a DrugSense Focus Alert
10/26/99 - Let's study heroin
10/26/99 - McCaffrey's Golden Legacy
10/28/99 - Feds challenge 9th circuit ruling
10/28/99 - My response to the government
10/30/99 - Clear thinking from England
11/01/99 - Example of a superb letter
11/01/99 - This American Life on the drug war
11/01/99 - The time to help me is now
11/02/99 - Alternate URL for
11/02/99 - Another great letter
11/02/99 - Great column
11/02/99 - How McCaffrey is covered by an objective press
11/02/99 - Op-ed submission
11/02/99 - You DID make a difference. Thank you.
11/03/99 - A New York Times editorial
11/03/99 - Drug Czar nullifies need for drug test
11/03/99 - If only truth and reason ruled medicine
11/03/99 - There he goes again
11/03/99 - Treatment of pain
11/03/99 - Victory in Maine!
11/04/99 - Forfeitureo Bizarro
11/04/99 - McCaffrey's hot seat gets hotter
11/04/99 - The Secret Drug War?
11/04/99 - inTELLigence test
11/04/99 - Mea Culpa
11/04/99 - More clear Canadian thought
11/05/99 - I cannot use medical defense at trial
11/06/99 - Amusing
11/06/99 - LA Times/AP Story on defensicide
11/06/99 - Letter to editor
11/06/99 - OOPS, Correct LA Times address
11/06/99 - Press Release - PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDE
11/06/99 - Re: I cannot use medical defense at trial
11/07/99 - DrugSense Alert: McWilliams not allowed to use medical defense
11/07/99 - Help again, please
11/07/99 - New York Times on me
11/07/99 - Playboy Article December 1999
11/07/99 - Radio interview with me
11/08/99 - Trial start date change
11/11/99 - A letter made the NY Times
11/11/99 - B.E.'s address, please forward
11/11/99 - It's a grand slam
11/11/99 - Letter in LA Times too
11/11/99 - Letters to Lockyer
11/12/99 - A P.S. on writing to B.E.
11/13/99 - The drug war's first hot war heats up
11/13/99 - With understanding like this ...
11/13/99 - An e-mail and my reply
11/13/99 - oops, here's the reply
11/14/99 - Just call me Oops-e-mon
11/15/99 - A great vin-tage
11/15/99 - Drug Facts
11/15/99 - Happy Veteran's Day, General McCaffrey
11/15/99 - Huh, Mr. President?
11/15/99 - McCaffrey to Senate: The U.S. War on Drugs is a failure
11/15/99 - Reasons not to go to war
11/15/99 - So we're not fighting a war on drugs, eh General?
11/15/99 - for those in South California
11/16/99 - Yet another drug warrior hypocrite
11/17/99 - B.E. Smith update
11/17/99 - Birds do it
11/17/99 - Birds can't do it after all
11/17/99 - Good news on the depression front
11/17/99 - Hark! A genuine Christian
11/17/99 - LA Times slowly comes around
11/17/99 - This is your Congress on ignorance
11/18/99 - An excellent article
11/18/99 - D.E.A. 0 -- Hemp 1
11/18/99 - McWilliams and McCormick to plea
11/18/99 - Recognition One
11/19/99 - New website
11/22/99 - My plea bargain
11/23/99 - LA Times of plea agreement
11/23/99 - Last night's Politically Incorrect
11/23/99 - NY Times on my plea
11/23/99 - The end of democracy
11/25/99 - Another P.O.W.
11/25/99 - Current Version
11/25/99 - Denver Post on moi
11/25/99 - Feedback Please
11/25/99 - George W.
11/26/99 - #6
11/26/99 - Alert: BRC Action requested
11/26/99 - Gov. Gary Johnson urges others to take up cause
11/26/99 - Dr. Ernie Drucker fighting a losing battle
11/28/99 - Darwin Awards 1999
11/29/99 - Goodbye, Mr. Crisp
11/29/99 - And yada, yada, yada
11/29/99 - The good die old
11/30/99 - Boston Globe on medical marijuana
11/30/99 - F-Dancing
11/30/99 - Johnson hero yet again
11/30/99 - London Times on drug war failure
11/30/99 - The drug war heats up
11/30/99 - William F. Buckley Jr. to my rescue yet again
12/01/99 - Arianna
12/01/99 - Drug dog bites the dust after biting the dust
12/01/99 - B.E. News
12/01/99 - Best pot for pain
12/01/99 - Me on internet radio tonight
12/01/99 - Seminar recommendation
12/01/99 - The Taiwan Syndrome, continued
12/02/99 - Hmmmmmm ...
12/02/99 - Supreme Ban
12/03/99 - Anti-Drug-War ads
12/03/99 - LA Times tobacco editorial
12/03/99 - The Prison Complex
12/04/99 - Another sad day for peaceful activism
12/04/99 - Fax them!
12/04/99 - oops!
12/06/99 - Tired of soap operas on Oprah?
12/07/99 - MORE marijuana magic
12/07/99 - sigh
12/16/99 - Nolan Congressional campaign
12/16/99 - More on Gore
12/16/99 - My Washington Post march
12/17/99 - marijuana innocent
12/18/99 - Anslinger's legacy
12/18/99 - Good morning, America!
12/18/99 - Goodbye (again) First Amendment!
12/19/99 - All the news that fits
12/19/99 - Sad and shocking news
12/19/99 - Wow!
12/19/99 - Wow! Part II
12/22/99 - Alaska, ho!
12/22/99 - Make up!
12/22/99 - Mexico, ho!
12/22/99 -
12/23/99 - Merry Christmas, Czar McCaffrey
12/24/99 - All about (Christmas) Eve
12/24/99 - Dear Santa Johnson
12/24/99 - Ghost of Christmas present
12/24/99 - Send Gov. Johnson a Christmas greeting!
12/25/99 - Fussy
12/25/99 - Merry Christmas Gov. Bush
12/25/99 - Merry Christmas from Pittsburgh
12/27/99 - Boo! I'm a terrorist
12/27/99 - Frauds for Jesus
12/27/99 - Just us in Gore's home state
12/27/99 - Message from Richard Cowan
12/28/99 - DARE should run SCARED from US!
12/28/99 - DARE to send an e-mail
12/30/99 - Happy New Year (BOOM!)
12/30/99 - Happy New ... oh f--- it
12/30/99 - I am so PROUD of you all
12/30/99 - McCaffrey's friendly fire defended
12/30/99 - Pagans at Princeton!
12/30/99 - Puzzled
12/30/99 - Wow II!
12/30/99 - Yipes!
12/30/99 - more on P2,000,000
12/30/99 - Still more on P-2Million


01/02/00 - Objective Science
01/04/00 - More Mac
01/04/00 - Sadness
01/05/00 - Powerful Prose
01/05/00 - Yes to NO
01/06/00 - Baltmore, MD MD
01/06/00 - Bravo, Steve!
01/06/00 - I am in shock
01/06/00 - OOPS! - Todd's FULL address
01/06/00 - Paging Dr. Tom
01/06/00 - Todd McCormick in prison for perhaps five years
01/06/00 - Oops! Yet another time
01/07/00 - Another excellent reply to Dr. Roberts
01/09/00 - Prelude to an explosion
01/10/00 - Oops yet another time
01/11/00 - Gore misstates medical marijuana research
01/11/00 - Letter from Mary Smith
01/12/00 - Oh, the pain
01/13/00 - Another victory
01/13/00 - Our Turn by Steve Kubby
01/14/00 - America's children
01/14/00 - Free Internet access - with a big Katch
01/14/00 - Free Internet - NO Katch (ads)
01/14/00 - Fw: Nifty URLS
01/14/00 - Major embarrassment for McCaffrey!
01/14/00 - McCaffrey AWOL
01/14/00 - McCaffrey NOT for the birds after all
01/14/00 - McCaffrey and Albright doing it (X-rated)
01/14/00 - McMedia
01/14/00 - McMeltdown!
01/14/00 - Prime-time propaganda
01/14/00 - This is your media on drugs
01/14/00 - War on the Constitution
01/15/00 - 1 dead, 5 million are tax dollars wasted
01/15/00 - Drug Czar bribes the media
01/15/00 - New Mexico just keeps going sane
01/15/00 - Still lots more McMeltdown and McDenial
01/15/00 - The latest letter about McMeltdown
01/15/00 - Ventura praises Johnson
01/15/00 - re: A lot of good info
01/16/00 - Albright on the not-so-dim
01/16/00 - At last! A working press!
01/16/00 - Can you believe it?
01/16/00 - Good news!
01/16/00 - Jolly good show, Prince Charles!
01/16/00 - McMeltdown reaching critical mass!
01/16/00 - Where can I get one?
01/16/00 - Ya Hoo, Wyoming!
01/16/00 - Yet another hypocrite
01/16/00 - ha ha ha ho ho ho
01/18/00 - A clear view from the mile-high city
01/18/00 - Drug Czar's aide lies (No news here)
01/18/00 - McCaffrey successfully bribes AOL and Spiderman
01/18/00 - Melt! Melt! Melt! Melt!
01/20/00 - 1-20-2000
01/20/00 - Hello Senator Hatch
01/21/00 - Discussing Christianity
01/21/00 - Good news from the North
01/21/00 - It seems the (good) shit is about to hit the fan
01/22/00 - Clinton joke
01/22/00 - Discussing Christianity II
01/22/00 - Discussing Christianity III
01/23/00 - Another excellent article
01/23/00 - Beware of Bread
01/23/00 - Disgusting Christianity (it's getting good!)
01/23/00 - Job opening: work at home
01/23/00 - Mutiny in New Mexico
01/23/00 - Now newspapers are on the dole
01/23/00 - Skip the 1st Amendment, just give 'em their profits
01/25/00 - LA Times brown-nosing McCaffrey again
01/25/00 - Partnership For a Drug-Fettered America
01/25/00 - We'll decide what's Old News, Al
01/26/00 - Internet information burning
01/26/00 - Microwave water boiling warning
01/26/00 - The joy of science
01/26/00 - What does Christian mean, anyway?
01/28/00 - The ignorant majority
01/28/00 - Vote for Harry Browne
01/28/00 - Where can I get the vaccine?
01/28/00 - medical marijuana patient convicted
01/28/00 - Microwave exploding author, too
01/28/00 - my guilty plea
01/28/00 - qualeism
01/28/00 - straight gets bent
01/29/00 - AIDS in the priesthood hidden
01/29/00 - Drive on!
01/29/00 - Prepare for an intellectual ouch
01/29/00 - damn!
01/29/00 - Meditation for your holy days
01/29/00 - quote, unquote
01/30/00 - all drugs are bad
01/30/00 - Diet Coke sure!
01/30/00 - Drink Diet Coke? Don't.
01/30/00 - Drug laws and women
01/30/00 - Drug War quotes
01/30/00 - My letter to the Washington Post
01/30/00 - Quotes from Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
01/30/00 - Sex and masturbating - CAUTION: Contains the F-word!
01/30/00 - Unspeakable white trash
01/30/00 - From Folson mayor to Folsom inmate
01/31/00 - Bush's hair lip
01/31/00 - Gays in military on C-SPAN 2
01/31/00 - Unbelievable!
03/09/00 - The beginning of the end
03/13/00 - Ecstacy time
03/20/00 - My take on GHB illegalization
03/20/00 - Nuts
03/24/00 - My favorite site
03/26/00 - URL for entheogenic mushroom church
04/11/00 - Love words?
04/12/00 - Funny
04/12/00 - A little sanity at last
04/12/00 - Depressing anti-depressant rhetoric
04/19/00 - McMeltdown
04/20/00 - Great letter to WSJ
04/22/00 - An AIDS patient in high dungeon
04/25/00 - Hooray for the free market
04/25/00 - Oops RE: quote request wrong again
04/25/00 - Quote request
04/26/00 - And the brutalization based on prejudice presses on
04/26/00 - Caffeine - the most dangerous drug in America
04/26/00 - Elian, Elian
04/26/00 - I hate being wrong
04/26/00 - Wrong about domain prices too
04/30/00 - Drug war becomes shooting war
05/15/00 - Another day in the drug war
05/15/00 - Free fax the facts
05/15/00 - 9th circuit rules for freedom again
05/17/00 - Fwd: McNamara WSJ - Return to true liberty - end drug war
05/17/00 - The Supremes with a #1 hit again
05/18/00 - Fwd: $20 or $30 coupon from
05/19/00 - Fwd: Darwin Awards
05/19/00 - If you thought Dr. Voth was irritable before
05/19/00 - Thusly I am defended too
05/19/00 - War on McCaffrey: it's about time
05/20/00 - At least this month he's not jailing people
05/20/00 - Dis-crediting McCaffrey
05/20/00 - Drug use down? I don't think so
05/20/00 - From Arianna Huffington
05/20/00 - Take it off, baby
05/20/00 - The Czar of denial
05/21/00 - Incredible anti-prohibition visuals from 1932
05/21/00 - Caution: contains the A-word
05/21/00 - The complete New Yorker article on McCaffrey
05/21/00 - If the New Yorker article didn't come through
05/22/00 - Bill Gates - drug war hero
05/22/00 - Christ-i-am (Christiam)
05/24/00 - B.E. Smith's war widow
05/24/00 - New Yorker's editor on McCaffrey story
05/24/00 - No freedom of thought next
05/24/00 - The press finally doing its job
05/25/00 - McCaffrey admits military victory impossible
05/25/00 - My response to Rev. McCaffrey
05/25/00 - Rev. McCaffrey's sermon
05/26/00 - A K.O. punch for the WOD
05/26/00 - Cannabis patient faces life
05/26/00 - Just Ice
05/28/00 - An update on my legal situation
05/28/00 - Can someone prove evolution
05/28/00 - Scary, kids
05/28/00 - Sorry to spoil your holiday weekend
05/28/00 - Those communists have some good ideas
05/28/00 - Todd's sentence. Caution: contains the F-word
05/29/00 - Update about Peter McWilliams sans article
05/30/00 - Guns don't kill people, drug laws kill people
05/31/00 - Me on internet radio show Monday
05/31/00 - Radio show change
06/01/00 - Arianna at the barricades
06/01/00 - Goodbye to another freedom
06/04/00 - DEA and SS
06/07/00 - From the ecologist

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