Welcome to PeterMcWilliams.info

A website in memory of author Peter McWilliams ( 1950 - 2000 )

"In March 1996, I opened the door to death and stared the Grim Reaper in the face. There was a pause. Then he suddenly smiled and said, 'Enjoy yourself! It's later than you think.'"
Peter McWilliams, from his essay Joy is Good.


Who was Peter McWilliams?
Articles about Peter:

Learning From Peter McWilliams by Harry Browne (2000 Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate)
An Indictment, Not an Obituary
by the Media Awareness Project.
Libertarian Party Champion of Liberty Award Recipient (posthumous) - Acceptance speech by Ann McCormick
John Stossel Interview


The Letters of Peter McWilliams
A collection of the e-mails Peter sent to his readers during the last few years of his life.


Peter's Websites are all available, permanently archived on our site.
These mirrors were originally made and provided by our friends at drugsense.org.

Peter's Speech at the 1998 Libertarian Party Convention


Edited, running time 14:41, low-res


Edited, running time 14:41, high res


Full-length version, approx. 48 min.

Stream (off-site at CRRH)
the host has apparently lost or taken down this video ... hopefully we can get a copy soon. - webmaster aug '05

Additional video featuring Peter and his case is also available offsite at CRRH.
Downloadable files made possible by the Libertarian Party.

Peter's Books are all available here for free online viewing.
Peter believed ideas should be shared freely. See his essay My Philosophy of Created Stuff to learn more.



Ain't Nobody's Business if You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country
LIFE 101: Everything We Wished We Had Learned About Life in School - But Didn't
LOVE 101: To Love Oneself Is The Beginning of a Lifelong Romance
DO IT! Let's Get Off Our Buts
You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought: A Book for People with Any Life-Threatening Illness - Including Life
How to Survive the Loss of a Love (with Melba Colgrove, Ph.D. and Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.)
How to Heal Depression (with Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D.)
Hypericum (St. John's Wort) & Depression (with Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D., and Mikael Nordfors, M.D.)
The LIFE 101 Quote Book
PORTRAITS: A Book of Photographs
A Question of Compassion: An AIDS-Cancer Patient Explores Medical Marijuana
How to Grow Medical Marijuana by Todd McCormick (Introduction by McWilliams)
Joy Is Good (the introduction essay to a website Peter later sold)



June 5, 2005 - U.S. Supreme Court rules federal law can ban medical marijuana in spite of state law legalizing it -- based on the federal government's power to regulate interstate commerce! Click for story.

Articles about Peter

1998 - Peter McWilliams sues CA Attorney General to compel enforcement of Proposition 215

2000 - William F. Buckley on the Death of Peter McWilliams

20/20 with John Stossel interview with Peter McWilliams

Peter's article "LAUGH!" from Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul

Pictures from the June 20, 2000 memorial for Peter

2002 memorial vigil and rally - article and pictures

Why was Peter McWilliams Murdered?


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