The C.I.A.-controlled news media is the enemy of the American (and all freedom-loving) people. This includes not only the "mainstream" news networks like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, but also NewsMax and many seemingly "independent" news outlets on the internet. This article starts with a few "Video Exhibits" showing you in painful detail how the TV news anchors are really just script readers who put no independent thought into anything they are saying (and thus why you would be a fool to listen to them, let alone believe anything they say). The videos are following by a series of clippings from law journals and news articles which will teach you why this state of affairs is not just undesirable, but is also violative of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, despite fact that these news agencies appear to be "private" entities. But beyond that, they are engaged in military psychological warfare operations against us, and need to be treated accordingly. Let's go!
Video Exhibit A:
"This is Very Dangerous To Our Democracy"
Here is a clip of dozens of "journalists" from local TV stations around the country reading the exact same script, obviously oblivious to the frightening irony of their own statements:
Video running time: just over 1 minute
Video Exhibit B:
Conan O'Brien is "Pushing the Envelope on Gay Marriage"
In this clip from The Conan O'Brien Show, we see how literally dozens of television news presenters read from the exact same script when reporting on a story about gay marriage laws.
Video running time: 3 minutes
Video Exhibit C:
Rising Gas Prices
Conan also provided another example of many different "reporters" reading from the EXACT SAME script, this time about rising gas prices. As you watch these videos, ask yourself: is this supposed to be funny? If so, to whom?
Video running time: 1 min 22 seconds
What is really going on here is that our controllers, the guys behind-the-scenes who run the intelligence agencies of "our" government, are literally throwing their covert control of the "mainstream media" in our faces. They are putting it right out there on a major talk show, as plain as day, making it crystal clear that all of these so-called "journalists" that they show us on TV are all just a bunch of paid parrots, doing what they're told, getting paid to read from scripts that someone else has given them. And of course the general public doesn't catch on, continuing to chew their cud (e.g., TV, Netflix, other mainstream "news" services), so maybe they really are no better than the cattle which our leaders view them as.
What is really going on here is that our controllers, the guys behind-the-scenes who run the intelligence agencies of "our" government, are literally throwing their covert control of the "mainstream media" in our faces. They are putting it right out there on a major talk show, as plain as day, making it crystal clear that all of these so-called "journalists" that they show us on TV are all just a bunch of paid parrots, doing what they're told, getting paid to read from scripts that someone else has given them. And of course the general public doesn't catch on, continuing to chew their cud (e.g., TV, Netflix, other mainstream "news" services), so maybe they really are no better than the cattle which our leaders view them as.
Exhibit D:
Research Clippings From Law Journals And Independent Media Showing Why
The Controlled Media Violates the First Amendment to the United States Constitution
As P.T. Barnum stated, "there's a sucker born every minute."
IMPORTANT: SEE ALSO Mind Control 201 - Brain Implant Bloopers
(live news feeds in which television reporters experience apparent neurological malfunctions)
British Newspapers Challenge New Press Rules
Published March 19, 2013
LONDON — A day after British lawmakers agreed to ground rules for a new press code, an array of newspapers protested on Tuesday against the attempt to impose stricter curbs on this country’s scoop-driven dailies following the phone hacking scandal that convulsed Rupert Murdoch’s media empire and much of British public life.
In a statement, the newspaper society representing 1,100 newspapers said provisions for fines of up to $1.5 million on errant newspapers would impose a “crippling burden” on cash-strapped publications struggling against the inroads of the Internet.
“A free press cannot be free if it is dependent on and accountable to a regulatory body recognized by the state," the president of the society, Adrian Jeakings, said.
Indeed, the conservative Daily Mail commented in an editorial, “The bitter irony is this long-drawn out debate comes when the Internet — which, being global, has no regulatory restraints — is driving newspapers out of business.”
“If politicians had devoted half as much of their energies to keeping a dying industry alive, instead of hammering another nail into its coffin, democracy would be in a healthier state today.”
Newspaper proprietors and editors have not so far signed on to the agreement announced on Monday and say they were excluded from late-night cross-party talks on the new code while privacy campaigners clamoring for tighter press controls took part in the deliberations. Some indicated on Tuesday that they would not be rushed into responding to the proposed restrictions.
“We need to go back a long way — to 1695, and the abolition of the newspaper licensing laws — to find a time when the press has been subject to statutory regulation. Last night, Parliament decided that 318 years was long enough to let newspapers and magazines remain beyond its influence, and agreed a set of measures that will involve the state, albeit tangentially, in their governance,” the conservative Daily Telegraph said.
Lawmakers on Monday “urged the newspaper industry to endorse the new dispensation as quickly as possible,” the newspaper said. “However, after 318 years of a free press, its detail deserves careful consideration.”
The agreement announced Monday creates a system under which erring newspapers will face big fines and come up against a tougher press regulator with new powers to investigate abuses and order prominent corrections in publications that breach standards.
The deal, struck in the early hours of Monday, enshrines the powers of the regulator in a royal charter — the same document that sets out the rules and responsibilities of the British Broadcasting Corporation and the Bank of England.
That ended a fierce dispute, which divided the coalition government, over whether new powers should instead be written into law.
The idea of legislation raised alarms among those cherishing three centuries of broad peacetime freedom for Britain’s newspapers. They included Prime Minister David Cameron, who said a law establishing a press watchdog would cross a Rubicon — Caesar’s point of no return — toward government control because it could be amended to be even stricter by future governments that might want to curb the press.
Media Coverage of Trayvon Martin Case
"The Lynching" (Clip from Afterburner with Bill Whittle)
Video running time: Ten minutes