Subjects:   Mind Control | Masonic ArchitectureGeneral Research | Weaponized Psychiatry | Health Scams | More Special Presentations:
Mind Control

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Masonic Architecture

(also accessible directly at

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blue-bar Special Presentations:
General Research

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Health Scams

 blue-bar Special Presentations:
Weaponized Psychiatry

Clippings on Psychological Warfare and Psychiatric Abuse

State Use of Psychiatric Diagnoses to Bypass Due Process Protections, Chemically Attack Political Dissidents, and Disarm Civilian Populations

Note:   Additional important research materials on this subject, beyond just these original research presentations called " Special Presentations," are included in the separate Weaponized Psychiatry section of this website.  The entire section is accessible via the main menu at the top of every page of this website.




Additional original presentations are to be found among the other items included in the Freedom, Correspondence, and Blog sections of this website, which are also accessible via the main menu at the top of every page.  I have spent countless hours developing this website and trying to make it an engaging and interesting experience.  If you are enjoying it, please take a moment to let me know using the "Contact Me" or "Guestbook" links at the top of the page.  Thanks!