Alien Behavior:
Concept or Precept?

by Elton Turner

"186,000 M/Second - it's not just a good idea, it's the law," the bumper sticker read. Something about that statement irritated me. Here we were in the midst of a UFO conference and someone was selling an old reality!

The mixture of our notions of physical reality and our concept of law are keeping us in the dark ages of human thought. Modern science has brought us many new ideas about the nature of the universe, but those ideas are constantly being challenged and changed as our powers of observation sharpen and equipment improves. I thank our scientists for their contributions;  I love air conditioning, airplanes, and the television waves that travel our air. What bothers me, is that we have not stopped to consider, "The Law."

What laws do the invaders (and I use that term intentionally) of our world abide by? I posit that we have no idea of the rules of the navigable universe by which these otherworldly entities operate. We continue to develop ideas of their intentions based on our own social rules and written laws. I asked a prominent author and researcher of the UFO phenomenon the other day why he thought the aliens could be trusted - why we should believe what they tell us. His reply was sincere, I think. He said they have demonstrated their truthfulness by predicting some future events, and, lo and behold, what they said came true. He said they have told us our planet is in ecological crisis and we know that is true. And, although they seem to have been here for thousands of years, they have not invaded us. What wonderful creatures they must be!

In the few years that I have been studying my own personal invasion by these creatures, I have come to understand that the invaders do not tell the truth unless it serves THEIR purpose. They play on our fears, using pollution, war, nuclear holocaust and greed as backdrops for their warnings. But every day since I was a small child, I have been aware that those things are part of our world. We all know these things. It does not take a zillion-plus-IQ creature from the planet Orlon to make me aware that we have problems in our world that we must face. We have very human problems to deal with - problems that we can deal with.

The problems we cannot yet overcome is that of outside interference in our affairs. Some people may call it "benevolent intervention" and point to positive results. I respect the scientists and laymen of all disciplines who have been studying the alien phenomenon and artifacts for the past 50 or 60 years. It appears that they have made some progress, as witnessed by the rapid developments in the aerospace industry, medicine, communications, etc., a great deal of which seems to have come from such research. What is missing is a thorough and public study of the mission and rules of engagement in the war for our world.

I believe that our very thoughts and consequently, our behavior as a race of sentient beings are being UNDERMINED through the power of insinuation and the implantation of controlling devices in our bodies by non-human (most of the time) entities. This is truly the most effective way to invade and conquer. I do not trust such creatures no matter what I have been told about their altruistic motives.

We, as a race, have never been free to discover our own true identity. Every social advance we attempt is thwarted by some maniac who springs up with almost divine grace to lead us into madness. Saint Paul, for instance, seems to have taken the real message of Jesus and his earliest followers and distorted it into something that we kill, lie and cheat for. And, in spite of all that, we still aspire for redemption of our souls. The followers of that doctrine - Christians, they call themselves - are not the only ones who behave in such a manner. Every major religion has managed to find an excuse in its teachings to destroy non-believing fellow human beings. A part of me shudders every time I hear of yet another killing based on 2000-year-old hatreds.

What law allows us to continue with such atrocities? What influence keeps such hatred and fears alive? Why are we abductees so afraid to ask for real help from our own society?

We have been INVADED - but I do not yet believe that the battle is over. Invasion with sticks, knives or guns is a human reality, not necessarily a universal one. There are very sophisticated mechanisms being used in the invasion of our world. Why should our invaders use pointed sticks against us when they can get us to sharpen sticks and use them against each other? We provide them with everything they want from us, and they take none of the blame for our misery. They just zip around in their wonderful flying machines, dazzling us with their magical abilities and filling us with awe at their insight.

Can there be a more successful military campaign than one in which no shot is (apparently) fired and in which the conquered populace gladly and openly welcomes their enslavers? We are being programmed mentally and socially to accept our invaders as saviors, not a conquering force. I truly believe we are being deceived by smoke, mirrors and sleight-of-three-fingered-hand movements. Are we going to sell our birthright to some sneaky beings who appear on our shores in marvelous ships and offer us a few glitzy baubles?

The researcher asked if I personally knew of harm that has come to anyone at the hands of, or because of, the aliens. Yes, harm has come. My early youth was damaged severely by the unconscious knowledge that I was being used by some non-human agency. It took me 40 years to recognize that the fears which guided me daily were not of my own making and that the rebellion I constantly felt was engendered by my contempt for the powerful invisible agents that forced me to do things that I knew were wrong, even as I was doing them.

For example, I did not want to marry the person who became my first wife, yet I had no control over the decision. Before we were married, we were jointly abducted and subjected to severe programming. The results brought no happiness to either of us. We both starved for love and companionship, even though we tried with all our might to find them. My son (now 25) was also one of their subjects, and is miserable and lost. He is an artistic person with so many unknowable fears that he is paralyzed. I know of abductees MURDERED by mutilations (reports of which are suppressed immediately and completely), by cancers that no physician has ever seen before, and by madness that has led to suicide. In my opinion, these acts were not caused by "brothers" of any sort.

I do not believe that all is lost, however. I have felt a guiding hand that helped me to discover happiness and inner peace amid all this chaos and misery. What I have come to understand is that that hand is only there when I take responsibility for my own happiness and do something about whatever is bothering me.

Reality left in the hands of the invaders is neither what we need nor what we want. It is time that we think hard about ourselves and what we have on this gem of the universe, our home - our planet. There are laws governing the actions of our invaders, rules guiding their actions and patterns of behavior we can discover if we will make a concerted effort to discern them. We humans have something valuable that is desirable to, and usable by the alien forces acting on us. I feel it is time we take back that which is ours, that we use all our resources to discover the laws that govern reality and become the beings that we intrinsically know we are.

This article was originally published in Contact Forum, September/October, 1994.