Welcome. This website is devoted to explaining a global program of torture, murder & persecution which I call the Hidden Evil. It includes a vast network of plain-clothed citizen informants, which is used for public stalking, & the use of Directed Energy Weapons on targeted individuals. All core factions of the community are involved, & everyone, from seniors to children, participates in Gang Stalking. Governments have used these groups in some form since the Roman Empire. The Hidden Evil is an example of this pattern repeating itself.

The citizens' network patrols the streets of your neighborhoods. The evidence suggests that this network is not just part of a sub-culture within society, but that it literally permeates all aspects of it, & is therefore, part of the mainstream. As I'll demonstrate, this has happened before. The network is the creation of supra-governmental Think Tanks, which are made up of people of tremendous wealth. These Think Tanks manipulate your government like a puppet. So, in essence, these wealthy individuals control your streets.

The public front portion of the program currently appears to emanate from the Department of Homeland Security. It is supported by individuals & groups of informants, that have no official ties to any state organization. Federal agencies work directly with local governments to coordinate the activities of this colossal network. Other countries apparently have similar ones.

The citizen patrols (Gang Stalking) are done under the guise of keeping an eye on internal threats to state security & cleaning up neighborhoods. As I'll demonstrate, this is exactly what the informant networks in East Germany & Russia were told when they were recruited into these state-sponsored programs. These are essentially global Psychological Warfare operations, done with the support of the civilian population. On the neighborhood level, despite claims of patriotism, the main reasons for their participation are empowerment & adventure.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & other behavior modification tools are used as weapons during public harassment. These attacks are combined with military-grade, silent, through-the-wall Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), & advanced electronic surveillance equipment. Many people are attacked night & day with these weapons.

I have found that this social pathogen is a symptom of a heavily corrupted society under psychopathic rule. The program, in its basic form, is part of a re-occurring historical theme, which includes psychopaths gaining control of governments, & using a percentage of the population to destroy their enemies. This is done to pave the way for an overt dictatorship, & is always done under the banner of righteousness. In its current form, it is part of a political movement known as the New World Order. On this site, I'll describe what Think Tanks are behind it. From top to bottom, the Hidden Evil is about power & control.

The mainstream news, congress, parliament, & other politicians will openly deny that this exists. Or they will minimize its significance. Organizations under the control of the financial elite will also deny it, & may be used to discredit anyone who exposes it. The media will also be used in this manner. In the future, when the authorized historians write the official history books, this part of it will be left out or whitewashed.

So this site will also serve as a record. It will be a testimony for anyone who wants to learn the truth about how the streets of the NATO nations were taken over by multi-national corporations, that used federally sponsored harassment groups to Gang Stalk their opposition, in order to pave the way for a corporate-fascist dictatorship.

Mark's PhotoThe best place to begin is to read the online books, The Hidden Evil: The Financial Elite's Covert War Against The Civilian Population, & New World War: Revolutionary Methods for Political Control.

Please check back for updates to this site. Also, information about this epidemic which will be covered in the reports & articles sections. You can also subscribe to the RSS Feed which will automatically alert you to new updates. I appreciate you visiting & I hope you enjoy your stay.

