Posted by jeremy on June 17, 2010 5:21 pm.
Nobody likes to admit that they’ve been fooled for months, or even years on end. One has to lead deceived people, step by step, to an understanding that the sources of information which shaped their beliefs may not be trustworthy. Once they have that understanding, they’re ready to begin learning how the world around them really works.
Nowhere is this more true than in the world of state-to-person warfare. It usually takes several years for a targeted individual to grasp the scope of the seemingly all-powerful forces aligned against him. In the process, his beliefs about how his society works are systematically demolished and rebuilt.
What if that targeted individual has simply moved from one level of deception to another?
Belief systems are meant to be exploited
A person who has not been targeted has several preconceived notions about how individuals and organizations behave, and about what is technologically possible. He believes he understands society and his role in it. He might recognize that dirty tricks can be played on an individual by powerful people, but at the same time, believe that either he isn’t important enough to warrant such treatment, or that he knows what kinds of tricks can be played.
The above is the default belief system.
By contrast, a target of an organized harassment campaign has spent several months or years experiencing pervasive corruption, mobbing tactics, and subversion of law enforcement. He may have experienced advanced technology being used against him. In short, he’s been taught what an organized stalking campaign looks like.
These teachings are a new belief system, replacing the old one.
New kinds of psychological operations - misleading the target about the extent of the social networks after him, and about who’s really behind the campaign - have been made possible, thanks to the target’s new awareness. If the original group behind the campaign lost track of the target or lost interest in him a long time ago, how would he know it?
What it’s like to be adopted by an intelligence agency
This is what nobody wants to hear. You may have been spending months or years fighting one operator…
This observation will not apply to every target. It might not even apply to a majority of targets who have managed to find sites like this one. However, my belief is that the majority of targets who have been made aware of “unbeatable” surveillance or “unblockable” weaponry are being managed by intelligence agencies.
If you were adopted by an intelligence agency - who might have been the real instigator of your campaign - you would discover that people around you seemed to know far too much about you. The question would then be: how?
Are they really members of some latter day Stasi-esque organization, or are they ordinary people who are being subliminally influenced (unknown to them) to act against the target? Why should we assume that mind control technology is only used against targets?
Reducing the target’s assets to zero would be an important goal, to make it easier to manage the target. Money is power; money creates options. The more options you have, the more manpower-intensive your handling will be. Those options need to be removed from your life, for the sake of efficiency, and as asset-stripping to help fund clandestine operations.
Logistically speaking, a small group of people could manage everything a target encounters during extreme harassment episodes. Once the target has been sensitized to important themes through a few days or weeks of extreme harassment, he could be managed by one person, part time, who would occasionally use mind control on people around the target to expose him to those themes.
This is what nobody wants to hear. You may have been spending months or years fighting one operator using advanced computer-human interfaces and mind-control technology to manipulate you, and the people around you.
The motivation for an intelligence agency to adopt a target
Let’s suppose that a group of people affiliated with an intelligence agency is exploiting people who are targeted - either by their own government (due to being flagged); or by mobbing campaigns that have spread widely enough to include an operative or asset for that agency; or by organizations watched by that agency such as satanic cults, pedophile networks, or the Freemasons. The intelligence agency operatives are likely controlled as well, through blackmail, threats, or explicit trauma-based mind control.
Targeted individuals will be facing extreme stresses, yet those stresses will not be officially recognized because of the institutional corruption and subversion that goes hand in hand with targeting. They are the perfect pawns to assist, willingly or not, with intelligence agency psychological operations. The outbursts of targeted individuals can be controlled and timed to fit a schedule of staged media events.
Concluding questions
Are targeted individuals who fit this profile being harassed, or tested and trained?
Why does the FBI refer unwitting targets to websites like this one, under the guise of ridicule?
Is there a master schedule underlying the outing of organized harassment campaigns and technological mind control?
Are targeted individuals being gathered together, and are their inter-relationships being managed?
What’s really going on here?
Copied over from the old server.
The master plan
Roselime wrote:
Justin wrote:
On being adopted
Terry wrote:
Perez exclaimed: “ADOPTED BY AN AGENCY ?—sold, traded, slaved by.”
Justin wrote:
“Why us?”
Turner wrote:
Justin responded:
roselime wrote:
Justin responded:
roselime responded:
Justin responded:
Randy wrote:
I responded:
Justin responded:
The technology (kind of OT)
WTF wrote:
How widespread is this?
Roselime wrote:
Justin responded:
Roselime responded:
Turner responded:
D Hoch wrote:
Justin added:
I responded:
Roselime responded:
It must be stopped
Turner wrote:
dj wrote: