Posted by jeremy on February 7, 2011 9:39 pm.

Since targeted individuals (the intended audience of this site) are routinely accused of being mentally ill, I’ve been interested in learning about how this label is manufactured, and how it’s made to stick.

In a month-long survey, ending today, I’ve been gathering information about what kinds of encounters targeted individuals have been having with the mental health profession. There were responses from 125 people; 64 report having seen (or having been dragged to) psychotherapists or other mental health professionals1.

Not surprisingly to regulars on this site, the responses are at odds with the public image of targeted individuals. Targets are frequently labeled as schizophrenic, but these results tell a different story.

Survey design

QuestionOptional?Allowed answers
Page 1
1. Are you targeted? No
I was, but I was let go.
I don’t think I’m targeted, but strange things are happening in my life.

Page 2
2. Have you talked to a mental health professional (MHP) about your targeting-related problems? Check all that apply. No
You’ve talked about gang/organized stalking.
You’ve talked about auditory disturbances (voices in the head).
You’ve talked about others reading your mind.
You’ve talked about other kinds of electronic harassment.
You’ve talked about corruption.
You’ve sought more than one opinion from MHP’s.

Page 3
3. At what age did your targeting-related problems (that led to you consulting with a mental health professional) begin? No (number)
4. After your targeting-related problems began, at what age did you see a mental health professional about those problems? No (number)

Page 4
5. What was the objective of your visit to an MHP? Check all that apply. Yes
Diagnosis / evaluation
Fixing the problems
Understanding the problems

Page 5
6. What were the factors that motivated you to see a mental health professional about your targeting-related problems? Check all that apply. Yes
What was happening just didn’t make any sense.
Friends/family/coworkers suggested it.
Court-ordered mental health evaluation.
You had no choice.
Law enforcement suggested it
You assumed it was a mental health problem, and you figured drugs would make it go away.
Sibling(s) and/or parent(s) have mental health issues, so you figured it ran in the family.
Recommendations in Internet chat rooms or discussion boards.

Page 6
7. What was the primary motivation for seeing a mental health professional about your targeting-related problems? Yes Same as question 6.

Page 7
The respondent was asked to view an example of the hollow mask illusion before proceeding.
8. What happened when you watched a rotating hollow mask in the hollow mask illusion, just now? No
No matter which side of the mask faced me, it looked like I was looking at the outside of a mask, and that the nose was sticking out.
When the inside of the mask faced me, I could clearly tell that the nose was a depression in the mask. I wasn’t fooled by the illusion.

Page 8
9. What were you diagnosed with? Yes
I was told I was fine.
An anxiety disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Schizoaffective disorder.
Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive).
Persecutory delusions.
Other kinds of delusions.
Personality disorder (BPD, NPD…)
Autism-spectrum disorder (ADD, ODD, ADHD, Asperger’s…)

Page 9
10. What tools did the MHP use to arrive at his diagnosis? Yes
Review of your personal history.
Multiple choice personality test.
MRI or fMRI.
Testing for biological markers of mental illness (please add details in your comment)
Testing you for optical illusions (such as the hollow mask illusion).

Page 10
11. Were you prescribed any medications as a result of your diagnosis? Check all that apply. No
Antipsychotic medication

Page 11
12. Were you ever arrested while targeted? Check all that apply. No
You’ve been arrested after being targeted, but before seeing a mental health professional about your targeting-related problems.
You’ve been arrested, after seeing a mental health professional about your targeting-related problems.
13. What ill effects did prescribed medications have? Check all that apply. No
Excessive sleep
Weight gain
Loss of sex drive, affecting a relationship
Impaired job performance
The symptoms the drugs were supposed to fix got worse
14. Was a targeting-related mental health diagnosis used against you in court? Check all that apply. No
It was mentioned by the opposition’s lawyer
It was mentioned by the judge
It was cited as justification for a ruling
There are court documents mentioning your mental health diagnosis; either the public, or an adversary, can get their hands on those documents

Page 12
15. Do you feel you were falsely diagnosed with mental illness?NoYes or no

Data which didn’t fit into the survey

Quite a few comments showed up which indicate the survey questions need to be more comprehensive.

Motivation: self-treatment was mentioned a few times as a motivator; the respondents knew they weren’t mentally ill, but hoped drugs might help.

Seeking a clean bill of health (vindication) came up enough in the comments that I had to add it to the survey results.

The lack of freedom of choice was a very common motivation, and some spelled out that they had been forcibly committed. However, there may have been other reasons, such as being forced to in order to keep a job, or to keep custody of one’s children.

Medications: Some people were prescribed drugs, but refused to take them, or stopped taking them after a few weeks. One respondent said he’d already been taking meds before being targeted.

There was one side-effect I hadn’t considered in the questions (best summed up as “brain fog”), and a handful of responses saying the medications were actually helpful.

It might have helped to correlate side effects with specific drugs. Frequently mentioned drugs included lithium, Prozac, and Abilify.

Diagnoses: Disturbingly, some were given a verdict of mental illness without ever taking any tests or interviewing with anyone. Others spoke to psychotherapists who refused to give them a diagnosis. A couple of respondents said they didn’t know what tests they’d been given. A few still don’t know what they were diagnosed with.

Testing: Nearly all respondents who received objective tests for mental illness suggested MRI’s were used, with only one unspecified “biological test”. One respondent observed that his scans differed enough from test to test that he believed the test results were being falsified.


In the tables that follow, the following keys are used.

AYT: is the respondent targeted? Y: Yes; N: No, L: targeted, but let go; S: strange things are happening, but not targeted.
a: age at which the problems that led to the respondent seeing a psychotherapist started
b: age at which the respondent actually saw a psychotherapist

What respondents talked about with psychotherapists

c: sought opinions from multiple professionals
d: talked about stalking/harassment by large numbers of people
e: talked about corruption
f: talked about auditory disturbances (voices in head)
g: talked about mind being read
h: talked about other kinds of electronic harassment
i: talked about at least one form of electronic harassment (f, g, or h).


j: objective in seeing a psychotherapist: U=understanding problem; S=solving problem; E=getting evaluation/diagnosis
k: friends/family/coworker(s) recommended seeing psychotherapist
l: law enforcement suggested it
m: went to see psychotherapist because what was happening made no sense
n: court-ordered evaluation
o: no choice in the matter
p: assumed it was mental illness, got drugs
q: family history of similar problems led respondent to believe he was mentally ill
r: acted on advice in internet chat rooms / forums
s: seeking clean bill of health / vindication
t: primary reason for seeing a psychotherapist (K - S: one of k through s, above)

Actual vs. assessed mental health

No respondent was diagnosed with a personality disorder.

u: sees through the hollow mask illusion (“No” means the respondent has a healthy brain and is definitely not schizophrenic)
v: given a clean bill of health
w: anxiety disorder
y: schizoaffective disorder
z: schizophrenia
A: bipolar disorder (manic-depressive)
B: depression
C: persecutory delusions
D: other kinds of delusions
E: autism-spectrum disorder

How diagnoses were arrived at

F: reviews of personal history
G: interview(s)
H: multiple choice personality test
I: fMRI, MRI, or other biological test for markers of mental illness
J: optical illusion like the hollow mask illusion.

Medicines prescribed

K: no medicine prescribed
L: prescribed antipsychotics
M: prescribed antidepressants
N: given tranquilizers

Ill effects of medication

O: none
P: sleeplessness
Q: excessive sleep
R: weight gain
S: sex drive, affecting a relationship
T: impaired performance on job
U: the symptoms they were supposed to fix got worse

Other impacts of diagnosis

V: arrests because of targeting (N: no, A:after seeing a psychotherapist, B:before seeing a psychotherapist)
W: mental health verdict not mentioned in court
X: opposition’s lawyer brought it up
Y: judge brought it up
Z: court ruling mentioned it
aa: mental health problems mentioned in court documents where public/adversary can get at them
bb: unfairly diagnosed

Raw data

The keys for this table are provided in the keys section of this article, above.


1 Y 16 19 - Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - - S N
2 Y - - - - - Y Y - Y E Y Y - Y Y - - - - N N
3 Y 35 50 Y Y - Y Y Y Y US Y - - - Y - - - - O N
4 S 05 15 Y - Y Y Y Y Y E Y - Y - - Y Y - - P N
5 Y 41 41 - Y Y Y Y Y Y U Y - Y - - - - - - K N
6 Y 26 26 - Y Y Y Y Y Y USE Y - Y - Y - - - - Q Y
7 Y 45 45 - - - - - Y Y E - - - Y - - - - - N N
8 Y 23 25 Y - Y Y Y - Y USE - Y - Y Y - - - - O N
9 Y 40 42 - Y Y - - - - US - - - - - - - - Y - N
10 Y 37 37 Y - - - - Y Y U Y - - - Y - - - - - N
11 Y 32 34 - Y Y - - - - - - - Y - - - - - Y S N
12 Y 35 44 - Y Y - - - - U - - Y - - - - - - M N
13 Y 58 59 - Y - - - Y Y US - - - - Y - - - - - N
14 Y 39 53 - Y - - - - - SE - - - - - - - - - S Y
15 Y 17 28 - Y - Y Y Y Y USE Y - - - - - - - - K N
16 Y 41 41 - Y - - - - - USE - - Y - - Y Y - - P N
17 Y 29 32 Y Y Y - - - - USE Y - - - - Y - Y - K N
18 Y 45 47 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - Y/td> - - - - O N
19 S 41 42 Y - - - - - - USE - - Y - - Y - - - P N
20 Y 01 29 Y Y Y - - - - USE Y - Y Y Y Y - - - O Y
21 Y - - - - Y - - - - E - Y - Y Y - - - - L N
22 Y - 59 - - - Y - Y Y U - - Y - - - - - - M Y
23 L 37 37 Y Y - - - Y Y US - - - - - - - - - R N
24 Y 37 37 - - Y Y - - Y USE Y - - - - - - - - M N
25 Y 56 56 Y - - - - - - E - Y Y Y Y - - - - N N
26 Y 50 50 - - - Y - - Y E - - - - Y - - - - O N
27 Y - - - - Y - - - - E - - - Y Y - - - - O N
28 Y 27 27 Y - - Y Y - Y SE - - Y - - - - - - - N
29 Y 61 64 Y - - - - - - UE Y - - - - - - - - O N
30 Y 47 47 - Y - - - - - U - - Y - - - - - - M Y
31 S 25 28 Y - - - - - - USE Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - M Y
32 Y 49 50 Y Y - - - - - USE Y Y - - - - - - - L N
33 Y - - - Y - - - - - E - - - - Y - - - - O N
34 Y 20 24 Y Y - Y - - Y USE Y - Y - - Y - - - M Y
35 Y 25 25 Y Y - Y - Y Y USE Y Y Y Y Y - - - - O N
36 Y 58 58 - Y - - - - - US Y - - - - - - - - - N
37 Y 32 32 - - - - - Y Y USE Y Y Y - - - - - - M Y
38 Y 45 47 - Y - - - Y Y S Y - - - - - - - - K N
39 Y 19 19 - - - - Y Y Y E - - - - Y - - - - O N
40 L 36 43 - Y - Y - Y Y S - Y Y - Y Y Y - - P N
41 Y 40 41 - Y - Y Y Y Y U Y - Y - - - - - - K N
42 Y 55 63 - - Y - - - - U Y Y - - - - - - - K N
43 Y - - - - - Y - - Y S - - Y - - - - - - P N
44 Y 48 48 - Y - - - - - S Y - Y - - - Y - - K N
45 Y 29 29 - Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N
46 Y 25 25 - Y Y - - - - SE - Y - Y Y - - - - N N
47 Y 32 32 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - Y - Y - - - - O N
48 Y 48 52 Y Y - - - Y Y US Y - Y - - Y - - - K N
49 Y 25 25 Y Y Y - - - - USE - - Y - - - - - - M N
50 Y 39 42 - Y - Y Y - Y E Y - - - - - - - - K N
51 S 14 - Y - - - - - - E - - - - - Y - - - P Y
52 Y 47 47 Y - - Y Y - Y USE Y - Y - - Y - - - P N
53 Y 32 33 - Y - Y Y Y Y US Y - - - - - - - - K N
54 Y 01 59 Y Y - - - - - S - - - - Y - - - - O N
55 Y 32 33 - Y - - Y Y Y USE - - Y - Y - - - - O N
56 L 25 25 Y - - Y Y - Y USE Y Y - - Y - - - - K N
57 Y 27 28 Y - - Y Y - Y E - - Y - Y - - - - O N
58 Y 17 17 Y Y - Y - Y Y USE - - Y - - - - - - M N
59 Y 46 48 - Y Y - - - - - - - - Y Y - - - - - N
60 Y 39 56 Y - - - - - - E - - - - - - - - Y S Y
61 Y 56 57 - Y - - - - - U Y - - - - - - - - K N
62 Y 44 44 - Y Y Y Y - Y E - Y - Y - Y Y - - L Y
63 Y 18 20 - Y Y - - Y Y USE Y - Y - - Y - Y - M N
64 L 43 43 - Y - Y - Y Y E - Y - - Y Y Y - - S N


1 Y 16 19 - Y Y Y N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y - -
2 Y - - - - - Y N - Y - Y Y Y - - - - Y Y - - - - Y - Y
3 Y 35 50 Y Y - Y N - - - - - - - - - - Y Y Y - - - Y Y Y
4 S 05 15 Y - Y Y N - Y Y - - Y Y - - Y - Y Y - - - Y Y Y
5 Y 41 41 - Y Y Y N Y - Y - - - - - - - Y Y - - - Y - - -
6 Y 26 26 - Y Y Y Y - - - Y - Y Y - Y - - Y - Y - - Y Y -
7 Y 45 45 - - - Y N Y - - - - - - - - - Y Y - Y - Y - - -
8 Y 23 25 Y - Y Y N - - - - Y - - - - - Y Y - - - - Y - -
9 Y 40 42 - Y Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
10 Y 37 37 Y - - Y N - - Y - - - - - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
11 Y 32 34 - Y Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
12 Y 35 44 - Y Y - N - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
13 Y 58 59 - Y - Y N - Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - - Y - - -
14 Y 39 53 - Y - - Y - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - - - Y - -
15 Y 17 28 - Y - Y N - - - - Y - Y - Y - - Y - - - - Y - Y
16 Y 41 41 - Y - - N - - Y - - - Y - - - Y Y Y - Y - Y Y -
17 Y 29 32 Y Y Y - N - - - - - - Y - - - Y Y Y - - - - Y -
18 Y 45 47 Y Y Y Y N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - -
19 S 41 42 Y - - - N - - - - - - Y - - - Y Y - - - - - Y -
20 Y 01 29 Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y - Y - - Y - Y Y Y Y - - Y Y -
21 Y - - - - Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y - -
22 Y - 59 - - - Y Y Y - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - - - Y -
23 L 37 37 Y Y - Y N - Y - - - - - - - - Y Y - - - - - - Y
24 Y 37 37 - - Y Y N - - - - - Y - Y Y - - Y - - - - Y - -
25 Y 56 56 Y - - - N - Y - - - - - - - - Y - - Y - Y - - -
26 Y 50 50 - - - Y N - - - - - - - - Y - - Y - - - - Y - -
27 Y - - - - Y - N Y - - - - - - - - - Y Y Y - - Y - - -
28 Y 27 27 Y - - Y N - - - Y - Y - - - - Y Y - - - - Y - -
29 Y 61 64 Y - - - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
30 Y 47 47 - Y - - Y - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - - - Y - -
31 S 25 28 Y - - - Y - - - - - - - Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y
32 Y 49 50 Y Y - - N - - - - - - - - Y - - Y - - - - Y - -
33 Y - - - Y - - N - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - - - Y - -
34 Y 20 24 Y Y - Y Y - Y - - - Y Y - Y - Y Y - - - - Y - -
35 Y 25 25 Y Y - Y N - - Y - - - - - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
36 Y 58 58 - Y - - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
37 Y 32 32 - - - Y Y Y - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - - - Y -
38 Y 45 47 - Y - Y N - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - - Y - - -
39 Y 19 19 - - - Y N - - - Y - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - -
40 L 36 43 - Y - Y N - - - - - Y Y - - - Y - - - - - Y Y -
41 Y 40 41 - Y - Y N - Y - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - -
42 Y 55 63 - - Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - -
43 Y - - - - - Y N - - - Y - Y - - - - - - - Y - - Y - -
44 Y 48 48 - Y - - N - - Y - - - - - - - Y Y - - - - Y - -
45 Y 29 29 - Y Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y Y Y
46 Y 25 25 - Y Y - N - - - - Y - - - - Y Y Y - - - - Y - -
47 Y 32 32 Y Y Y Y N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y Y -
48 Y 48 52 Y Y - Y N - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - - - Y Y -
49 Y 25 25 Y Y Y - N - Y - - Y - - Y - - Y Y - - - - Y - -
50 Y 39 42 - Y - Y N - - Y - Y - Y - - - - Y - - - - Y Y -
51 S 14 - Y - - - Y - Y - - - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - -
52 Y 47 47 Y - - Y N - - - - Y - Y Y Y - Y Y Y - - - Y Y Y
53 Y 32 33 - Y - Y N - - - - Y - - - - - - Y - - - - Y - -
54 Y 01 59 Y Y - - N - - - - - Y - - Y - - - - - - - Y - -
55 Y 32 33 - Y - Y N - - - - Y Y Y - - - Y Y - - - - Y Y Y
56 L 25 25 Y - - Y N - - - Y - - - - - Y Y Y - - - - Y Y -
57 Y 27 28 Y - - Y N - Y - Y - - - - Y - - Y - - - - Y - -
58 Y 17 17 Y Y - Y N Y - - - - - - - - - Y - Y - - - - Y -
59 Y 46 48 - Y Y - N - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - -
60 Y 39 56 Y - - - Y - - - - - - - Y - - - Y - - - - Y - -
61 Y 56 57 - Y - - N - - - - Y Y - - Y - Y Y Y - - - Y Y -
62 Y 44 44 - Y Y Y Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - Y - - -
63 Y 18 20 - Y Y Y N - - - - Y - - - - - Y Y - - - - Y - -
64 L 43 43 - Y - Y N - - - - - Y - - - - Y - - - - - Y Y Y


1 Y 16 19 N - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
2 Y - - N - Y - Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - Y Y
3 Y 35 50 N - Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - Y
4 S 05 15 N - Y Y Y - Y - - - Y Y B - - - - - Y
5 Y 41 41 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - N
6 Y 26 26 Y - Y Y - - - Y Y Y - Y - - - - - - Y
7 Y 45 45 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - N
8 Y 23 25 N - Y - - - - Y Y - Y - A - - - - - Y
9 Y 40 42 N Y - - - - Y - Y - - Y - - - - - - Y
10 Y 37 37 N - - Y - - - - Y - - - B - - - - - N
11 Y 32 34 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - N
12 Y 35 44 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
13 Y 58 59 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
14 Y 39 53 Y - Y - - - - - - - Y - - - - - - - Y
15 Y 17 28 N - Y - Y - Y Y Y - Y - B - - - - - N
16 Y 41 41 N - Y Y - - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - - Y
17 Y 29 32 N - - Y - - - - - - - - B - - - - - N
18 Y 45 47 N - Y - - - - Y - Y Y Y A - - - - - Y
19 S 41 42 N - - Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - N
20 Y 01 29 Y - Y Y - - Y Y Y Y Y Y A - Y - Y Y Y
21 Y - - N - Y - - - - Y - - Y - B - - - Y Y Y
22 Y - 59 Y - - Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - N
23 L 37 37 N - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - - - - - N
24 Y 37 37 N - Y - - - - Y Y - Y Y A - - - - - Y
25 Y 56 56 N Y - - - - Y - - - Y - B - - - - - Y
26 Y 50 50 N - Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - Y
27 Y - - N Y - - - Y - - - - - - B - - - - - Y
28 Y 27 27 N - Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - Y
29 Y 61 64 N Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
30 Y 47 47 Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
31 S 25 28 Y - Y Y Y - Y - - - - Y A - Y Y Y Y Y
32 Y 49 50 N - Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
33 Y - - N - Y - - - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - Y Y
34 Y 20 24 Y - Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - N
35 Y 25 25 N - - Y - Y - - - - - - B - - - - - Y
36 Y 58 58 N Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
37 Y 32 32 Y - - Y - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - Y
38 Y 45 47 N Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - N
39 Y 19 19 N - Y - - - - Y Y Y Y Y - - - - - - Y
40 L 36 43 N - Y Y - - Y - Y Y - - - - - - - - Y
41 Y 40 41 N - Y - - - - Y - - - - - - - - - - Y
42 Y 55 63 N - Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
43 Y - - N - Y - - - - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - Y Y
44 Y 48 48 N - Y - - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - - Y
45 Y 29 29 N - Y Y Y - - - - - - - A - - - - - N
46 Y 25 25 N - Y - - - - Y Y Y - - A - Y Y Y Y Y
47 Y 32 32 N - Y Y - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - - Y
48 Y 48 52 N - Y Y - - - - - - - Y - - - - - - Y
49 Y 25 25 N - Y - - - - Y Y - - - - - - - - - Y
50 Y 39 42 N - Y Y - - - Y - - Y - A - - - - - Y
51 S 14 - Y Y - - - Y - - - - - - B - - - - - Y
52 Y 47 47 N - Y Y Y - Y Y - - Y Y B - - - - - Y
53 Y 32 33 N - Y - - - - - Y Y Y - - - - - - - Y
54 Y 01 59 N - Y - - - - - Y - - Y - - - - - - Y
55 Y 32 33 N - Y Y Y Y - - - - - - B - - - - - Y
56 L 25 25 N - Y Y - - Y Y Y - Y - - - - - - Y N
57 Y 27 28 N - Y - - - - - Y - - - - - - - - Y Y
58 Y 17 17 N - - Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
59 Y 46 48 N Y - - - - - - - - - - B - - - Y Y Y
60 Y 39 56 Y - Y - - - Y - - - Y - - - - - - - Y
61 Y 56 57 N - Y Y - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
62 Y 44 44 Y Y - - - - - - - - - - B - - - - - Y
63 Y 18 20 N - Y - - Y - - - - - - - - - - - - Y
64 L 43 43 N - Y Y Y - - - Y - - - B - - - - - Y


On objectivity in psychological tests

Personality tests only suggest what a person’s mental state is while the test is being taken, without saying anything about why the person feels that way. Interviews and reviews of personal history allow for more nuanced analysis, but depend on the analyst’s personal biases.

Testing for biological markers of mental illness - whether through MRI scans, biopsies, or schizophrenia tests such as the hollow-mask illusion - will yield results that aren’t dependent on the observer’s bias or on what the test subject is currently worried about.

Only 11% of respondents were tested using objective measurements - either using an MRI machine (6) or a test of optical illusions (2), or both (7). Not a single person who was diagnosed with schizophrenia was given one of these tests.

10 were tested with multiple choice personality tests.

11 were diagnosed with schizophrenia; 9 were diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder; 14 were diagnosed as manic-depressive. 19 were diagnosed with delusions (C or D).

Of those who were diagnosed with schizophrenia, 7 tested negative for schizophrenia on the hollow-mask illusion test offered here.

42 were prescribed antipsychotics, 23 were prescribed antidepressants, and 10 were given tranquilizers. 50 altogether were prescribed some sort of drug. Of these 50, only 5 were given any kind of objective test - the rest were prescribed drugs on the basis of a psychotherapists’ opinion or interpretation of a personality test.

39 were prescribed medication and experienced adverse effects from it.

Reasons for seeing a psychotherapist: law enforcement (14), friends/family/coworkers (28), trying to find answers to something that didn’t make sense (28), assuming it was mental illness and seeking drugs (14), no choice in the matter (25), or a court order (12). Only 6 had a family history suggesting it might be genetic.


The results say that the vast majority of respondents are not schizophrenic, and the diagnosticians who say they are have little evidence to offer. In most cases, the diagnoses have been dispensed without any tests for biological markers of mental illness. The diagnosis represents a snapshot of the subject’s mental state at the time of testing, at best – and that’s not allowing for observer bias.

Drugs prescribed to respondents diagnosed as mentally ill had adverse effects in the majority of cases. 15% had their diagnosis entered into court records, where legal adversaries or the public could get at them.

Targets have good reason to be afraid they’ll be falsely diagnosed as mentally ill, and that a false diagnosis will be ruinous.


  1. ^ The 61 responses omitted include 36 describing themselves as targeted, 10 saying they aren’t targeted, 10 saying strange things are happening in their life, and 5 saying they’ve been targeted but have been let go.


  1. Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  victim2

    –-“Targets have good reason to be afraid they’ll be falsely diagnosed as mentally ill, and that a false diagnosis will be ruinous.”–-

    From what I have experienced and heard, that *is* at least one point of these attacks.

    I’ve heard the *experiment* angle, but as I see it, an experiment would apply to the aggressors/participants as much or *more* than it would apply to the victims.

    February 8, 2011 01:28:45 AM

  2. reply  |  quote
    • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  batvette aka John in SD

      1.Your survey is entirely dependent upon the self admissions of the respondents, including possibly the mentally ill. The afflictions relevant in particular have as one of their inherent symptons. the inability to recognize one’s affliction and even strongly deny it. Thus the survey from the outset is flawed.
      2. Even taken at face value without skepticism the survey cannot hope to prove those diagnosed as schizophrenic are in fact all of sound mind.
      3. You fail to address the most important fact, and in fact wholly confirm my underlying point I was trying to get across last week, that within the community are a certain number- doesn’t really matter if it’s 10%, 50% or other- who are in fact schizophrenics and are almost surely, upon review of their accounts, not TI’s at all.
      When the public or program seeks to deny this is going on they simply point to those so afflicted and their obviously silly stories and it’s used to paint us all with the same brush.
      4. The “education” of the public and new TI’s with a laundry list of “tactics” one is to expect happen to them which mimic the twisted reality experienced by schizophrenics serves only to cause moere schizophrenics to joint the TI community and offer even more ammunition for doubters- and even serve to allow actual TI’s under stress from the program, to terrorize themselves with everyday observations it is extremely unlikely the program could replicate. See “single horn honks/keyless entry”.
      5. Is the message “TI’s are in danger of being diagnosed with mental illnesses”? Or is it “those with mental illnesses can join a community where you are welcome and understood and can say to family and friends ”see, I told you I was fine“ and nobody can prove otherwise”?
      If it’s the former let me just say as a TI have no fear whatsoever my complaints and story, even the wilder parts, would ever get me institutionalized- for the same reason I no longer post “educational materials” on my back gate nor conspicuous signs in my windows. A sound mind is capable of accurate self reflection on how he is perceived by the public. I recognized those things were only serving to see me identified as a nutter. The mind of most schizophrenics can not provide such a view of himself. I won’t be surprised to see some fierce disagreement on that issue by some, if your survey is accurate.

      These points may be uncomfortable but they are expressed intelligently and intended for positive discourse. Since you did seem to raise the issue I invite you to publish them in their entirety and let them stand or fall on their own merit.

      John in San Diego aka Batvette

      February 9, 2011 06:22:10 PM

    • reply  |  quote
      • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  jeremy

        1.Your survey is entirely dependent upon the self admissions of the respondents

        So are mental health diagnoses, yet that doesn’t stop armchair psychiatrists and real psychiatrists from labeling TI’s and dismissing their stories.

        2. Even taken at face value without skepticism the survey cannot hope to prove those diagnosed as schizophrenic are in fact all of sound mind.

        I haven’t said otherwise.

        3. You fail to address the most important fact, and in fact wholly confirm my underlying point I was trying to get across last week, that within the community are a certain number- doesn’t really matter if it’s 10%, 50% or other- who are in fact schizophrenics and are almost surely, upon review of their accounts, not TI’s at all.

        I haven’t said otherwise here, either.

        We have to acknowledge the nature of targeting before we can take effective action - this is something I’m building up to. If it’s something that’s happening to millions of people, then it’s sensible to sound the alarm. If it’s something that’s only happening to a few hundred or a few thousand… recruiting more people is going to be counterproductive for reasons you’ve hinted at.

        The sensible thing to do in the second scenario is to regroup, get a clear picture of what’s happening (as opposed to what we imagine is happening) before acting.

        I’m basically of the mind that this isn’t happening to many people.

        When the public or program seeks to deny this is going on they simply point to those so afflicted and their obviously silly stories and it’s used to paint us all with the same brush… The “education” of… new TI’s with a laundry list of “tactics” one is to expect happen to them which mimic the twisted reality experienced by schizophrenics…

        It’s very important to separate what’s actually happening from what we imagine to be happening. We have to accept reality as it is, whether we like the answers or not. The tactics are part of reality. The conclusions we draw from witnessing the tactics are mostly our own imagination. But the tactics seem to work, so we have to acknowledge them - whether we like it or not…

        It may turn out that a significant percentage of self-identified TI’s are actually schizophrenic. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that some mentally ill people are targeted on purpose, and herded into the arms of FFCHS and the like, to discredit the rest of the TI’s.

        and even serve to allow actual TI’s under stress from the program, to terrorize themselves with everyday observations it is extremely unlikely the program could replicate.

        You keep bringing this up; I can see merely mentioning tactics hits a sore spot. My objective isn’t to terrorize, but to remove the terror.

        A sound mind is capable of accurate self reflection on how he is perceived by the public. I recognized those things were only serving to see me identified as a nutter. The mind of most schizophrenics can not provide such a view of himself. I won’t be surprised to see some fierce disagreement on that issue by some, if your survey is accurate.

        The fundamental problem is, after a multi-year diet of deception, many TI’s do not have an accurate view of what’s been happening. So we have to confront the deception, instead of pretending it doesn’t exist.

        February 9, 2011 07:10:27 PM

      • parent  |  reply  |  quote
        • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  anon

          I’m basically of the mind that this isn’t happening to many people.

          Agreed. And the more intensive the involvement, it seems likely that the numbers get smaller. However, with the ubiquitousness of access to records and the burgeoning spy games mindset, it wouldn’t doubt that the reports by some, in specific areas, of coordinated mobbing efforts are quite real.

          Here’s the thing, John, and I really wish you would take it to heart, is that if you take the general population in the U.S., then look at the percentage of which are TIs, and the percentage of individuals w SCZ, then look at the union of those two subsets, we are STILL probably talking about fractions of a percentage point of the overall population. So I just don’t see getting all up in arms about it. Like Jeremy said, the fact that some persons w MIs are targeted makes your argument about discrediting due to MI kind of a moot point. I hear what your concerns are, but I think they are overestimated in light of, well, things coming to light.

          Have you happened to see this yet?

          Even though this is quite alarming, as people are finally finding out (what we’ve known for a long time), it speaks volumes about the extent of coordinated nastiness and public deception that’s going on. Pretty soon all this talk about “claims by nutters” is going to get drowned out by the sheer reality and proof positive that this is what these ppl are up to. In the meantime,

          we have a deadline to look forward to, and sure, we want to get our facts as accurate, presentable and appropriate as possible. We need to work together toward that end, to present a united, well-informed, formidable front. If this is our best chance to return to a normal life, we have to be able to convince those tasked with the responsibility to assist us by “letting them know that you know” - in as strategic, well-selected terms as possible. jm2c

          February 9, 2011 09:36:27 PM

        • parent  |  reply  |  quote
          • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  batvette aka John in SD

            I’m basically of the mind that this isn’t happening to many people.


            So do I, and this only reinforces the belief that whatever the purpose(s) of this is, it’s much more than whatever benefit they may think they are getting from marginalizing us. I’ve often posited it could be:
            A means of command and control
            A way to keep REAL threats to society (sociopaths who would volunteer to harm strangers) busy
            Building a network of security personnel who will keep the peace for free if social unrest occurs. (most of the national guard is overseas)
            And another reason nobody will want to hear but it’s similar to #2

            Here’s the thing, John, and I really wish you would take it to heart, is that if you take the general population in the U.S., then look at the percentage of which are TIs, and the percentage of individuals w SCZ, then look at the union of those two subsets, we are STILL probably talking about fractions of a percentage point of the overall population. So I just don’t see getting all up in arms about it. Like Jeremy said, the fact that some persons w MIs are targeted makes your argument about discrediting due to MI kind of a moot point. I hear what your concerns are, but I think they are overestimated in light of, well, things coming to light.

            Not following you there. If boy scout troop leaders want to dispel rumours that many of them are pedophiles (using an analogy, many are possible) does it matter that both groups are statistically small parts of the population? If it came to light that some of them were, should they think it’s not a big deal? If the public criticizes the group for being pedophiles, should the troop leaders insult their intelligence by flat out saying “no, you are just plain wrong” when there are verifiable cases? Shouldn’t the best course be to not ignore the problem, or pretend it’s not happening, but identify the pedophiles and purge them from their ranks, if they don’t want to be called pedophiles?
            That’s probably an unappealing analogy, better summed up as: If we don’t think it’s a big deal that there are many in the community that are what we are insisting we are not, we should not be surprised nor complain when we are dismissed as being them.

            Have you happened to see this yet?

            Even though this is quite alarming, as people are finally finding out (what we’ve known for a long time), it speaks volumes about the extent of coordinated nastiness and public deception that’s going on. Pretty soon all this talk about “claims by nutters” is going to get drowned out by the sheer reality and proof positive that this is what these ppl are up to. In the meantime,

            That was nice. Relevance?

            Proof positive? Where?

            All this talk about “claims by nutters” will continue ad infinitum if deniers can point to even a small minority of us and identify them as nutters. That’s simply the way things are, a whole political party can lose a dozen seats in Congress in an election cycle if just one of them is caught up in a scandal.

            February 11, 2011 03:51:22 PM

          • parent  |  reply  |  quote
            • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  anon

              So do I, and this only reinforces the belief that whatever the purpose(s) of this is, it’s much more than whatever benefit they may think they are getting from marginalizing us. I’ve often posited it could be:
              A means of command and control

              Taken together - what’s happened to TIs and what’s now coming to light about targeted smear campaigns on a much grander scale - my guess is that to some extent, we “nobodies” have, in some ways, probably just been practice for those who ply such trades. They’ve been honing their skills and inuring the public to consume vicious, lascivious pap. Problem is, they’ve become TOO good at it, documents such as the .pdf I linked to have surfaced proving collusion to commit intentional fraud and deception to discredit various leaders, and the perps are now heading into backlash territory. At the very least, the public has a responsibility to become more discerning consumers and be aware that they could be moved around the board just like they’ve tried with some of the rest of us - unless and until we all become more aware.

              Re: BSA analogy:

              If the public criticizes the group [the BSA} for being pedophiles,


              This would be an example of herd mentality and the “hypothetical” public’s inability to use discernment. One bad apple don’t spoil the whole bunch. Yes, some lizard-brained individuals will resort to smearing an entire group based on the actions of one member.
              Lynchings are fomented this way. But we’re aiming higher, yes?

              Should the troop leaders insult their intelligence by flat out saying “no, you are just plain wrong” when there are verifiable cases?

              How is saying that something simply isn’t true about you somehow an insult to someone’s intelligence? The facts of a verifiable case do not and should not be generalized unless there are also like facts implicating other individuals. Guilt by association is a sign of shoddy logic, emotional reactivity and immaturity. Can’t help if they take offense to reason.

              purge them from their ranks, if they don’t want to be called pedophiles?

              Purging from the ranks does occur, by way of actual lawsuits with actual plaintiffs.
              But this is where your argument completely falls apart on two fronts: 1) The BSA hasn’t stopped existing because of these lawsuits, and 2) applying your analogy to TI groups, in the absence of a lawsuit against a TI (for being SCZ ?), how would you, personally, go about “purging” hangers-on from the ranks? Since “lawsuit” is barely applicable here, what proof would you consider valid and reliable? even if you could document a commitment hearing, for example, it would not rule out that the individual is, indeed, a TI. What exactly do you imagine a purge would look like? It seems you stumbled into a problem that you have a serious aversion to, and yet I can think of no logical solution on your behalf. As you’ve defined the problem, you’ve no recourse but to spin your wheels.

              Given that even the sheer math of it suggests you would be searching for a needle in a haystack, wouldn’t you rather turn your attention to areas that offer the potential of greater success - like we are having with bringing to light the existence of targeted character assassination by powerful entities? Or, let me put it to you this way, does the thought of going up against the power brokers somehow seem to “split your psyche,” pitting it against itself? Most people identify with power as a default, until power does something to one of their own.

              That was nice. Relevance?

              Proof positive? Where?

              wadr, maybe you’ve been spending too much time trying to wage a personal campaign of sifting and sorting and debunking (which has accomplished what, exactly?) to notice that there is some serious factual information coming to light that supports our contentions. That .pdf that you so casually blew off is a smoking gun of a concerted targeting campaign involving major players and outlines their strategies - again, ranging from disinformation to fraud to forgery and fake documents. The more savvy the public becomes to the means, modes, motivations and major players in perpetuating deceptive tactics, the less likely MOTUs will be able to divide and conquer the herd for their own ends. We’re gaining traction now, because they’re going after somebodies. (which btw, just makes the prospect of smearing personae non grata that much more appalling). At least in the company I keep, anyway. These clowns don’t know a thing about sportsmanship, fair fighting and honorable wins. But they like it that way. The public now has to decide just how far unbalanced we’re willing to go to “win” and what supposed “prize” is in the offing, especially considering the accumulation of collateral damage. When some of these folks say they’re preventing bad things, they’re actually rationalizing an indulgence of doing far worse.

              Google these terms from just this week:
              ThinkProgress, Brad Friedman, the Chamber, BofA, DoJ, BAllen, smear campaigns against organizations, individuals & families, privatization of state powers, shielding politicos v. pursuit of whistle blowers

              Just for starters.

              All this talk about “claims by nutters” will continue ad infinitum if deniers can point to even a small minority of us and identify them as nutters. That’s simply the way things are

              No, I’m glad to say it’s not. That’s the way things WERE.

              The world’s changing.


              February 11, 2011 07:44:27 PM

            • parent  |  reply  |  quote
              • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                “ Since “lawsuit” is barely applicable here, what proof would you consider valid and reliable?”

                You imply deep knowledge and study of this issue. Would you argue I can’t find up to a dozen self claimed TI’s in about an hour’s time that are clearly disturbed based either on their own admissions or the ridiculousness of their accounts?
                I’m trying not to name names here or link to the obvious because I doubt Jeremy wants this to digress to that level. If you’re arguing some aren’t blatantly obvious then you aren’t as well researched on this as you imply. You’re telling me my argument falls apart, why? Because you have blinders on? I don’t think so. Do you remember the NY Times article “sharing their demons on the web”? I’ve been to the site of one person interviewed for that, one of his claims involved noticing up to 900 cars parked daily on his route he walks all arranged by color sequence as part of his targeting. How about the guy on FFCHS with the license plate fixation? How obvious does it need to be? I’m not talking witch hunts within the community, tho the handful of blatant ones need peer pressure to straighten up and fly right. We need to self police our ranks and stop this coddling philosophy that says “you’re not crazy because the psychiatry profession is out to get you- you’re targeted!” which seems to revolve around attracting as many people into the fold as we can. All you do is give them an excuse to get off the meds and tell their family and friends they are okay. It doesn’t help them OR us.

                “No, I’m glad to say it’s not. That’s the way things WERE.

                The world’s changing.


                that was funny. can I sell that to Leno?

                If you really think that you’re part of the problem, I needn’t elaborate on that.

                Oh and I repeat: Assange: wholly irrelevant. If it had anything to do with OS/EH/MC you sure as hell wouldn’t see it in writing like that. The Justice and Defense Dept’s have made no bones about trying to shut down wikilinks, the only person who sees this as a smoking gun might be Pollyanna. This is not some revelation of secret policy, the whole thing has been out on the table with him from the start.

                February 12, 2011 03:21:07 AM

              • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  jeremy

                  I’m trying not to name names here or link to the obvious because I doubt Jeremy wants this to digress to that level…. I’ve been to the site of one person [claiming he noticed] up to 900 cars parked daily on his route he walks all arranged by color sequence as part of his targeting

                  I’m aware of cases like these, and you’ll notice I don’t link to them. So what do they have to do with my site or my coverage of these issues?

                  If the exposure of targeting or any other form of corruption depends on not one single person associated with these activities acting like a fool, we might as well just throw in the towel. You can always find one (actually several) outspoken fools associated with any activity who will leave a memorable impression on the public.

                  My solution to this problem - a constructive one - is to raise the level of discourse, not to self-censor.

                  We need to self police our ranks and stop this coddling philosophy that says “you’re not crazy because the psychiatry profession is out to get you- you’re targeted!”

                  I’ve talked to a few TI’s who were clearly railroaded by psychiatrists. There’s even a memoir in “Targeting-related books” in which a psychiatrist was railroaded in the same way. The larger community of TI’s who haven’t gone to a psychiatrist (or haven’t been falsely diagnosed) are nevertheless affected by the threat of a false diagnosis (or worse, a diagnosis-by-public-opinion) which would give the public and the authorities an excuse to turn their backs on the target.

                  You may not like this topic, but we have to talk about it. It’s there. You can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Self-censorship works for corporate interests because of their overpowering presence - whatever lies they repeat are accepted as fact. It’s not going to work for TI’s. We have to make sure that rebuttals to every vicious lie corporate/governmental interests tell about TI’s are only a few clicks away from curiosity seekers or investigators.

                  February 12, 2011 04:41:39 AM

                • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                  • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                    I’m trying not to name names here or link to the obvious because I doubt Jeremy wants this to digress to that level…. I’ve been to the site of one person [claiming he noticed] up to 900 cars parked daily on his route he walks all arranged by color sequence as part of his targeting

                    I’m aware of cases like these, and you’ll notice I don’t link to them. So what do they have to do with my site or my coverage of these issues?

                    Because you are reinforcing the belief:

                    Particular kinds of automobiles: white vans/trucks; red autos; police cars.
                    Particular ethnicities or ‘types’ of people.
                    Strategically-placed pieces of trash.
                    Loud noises: gun shots; explosions in the distance; sirens.
                    Lights: brighting from passing cars; parked cars which have their lights on; sudden flashing sirens on police vehicles.
                    Numerological themes: double digit numbers, such as 11, 22, or 44; particular times of day, such as 9:11; or a ‘personal’ number.
                    Car signals: car alarms going off; chirping noises from a car being remotely unlocked repeatedly and unnecessarily; honking (or patterns of honking).
                    Communications devices: cell phones, radios, portable music players with ear buds.
                    Colors or images.

                    That leads him to believe his schizophrenic mind is normal and he is targeted instead. I think it’s safe to say he would be better off with real professional help, not fooling himself that he doesn’t need it and we don’t need the guilt by association.

                    February 12, 2011 02:39:22 PM

                  • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                    • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  jeremy

                      I’m aware of cases like these, and you’ll notice I don’t link to them. So what do they have to do with my site or my coverage of these issues?

                      Because you are reinforcing the belief:
                      [list of symptoms/tactics deleted]

                      That leads him to believe his schizophrenic mind is normal and he is targeted instead. I think it’s safe to say he would be better off with real professional help, not fooling himself that he doesn’t need it and we don’t need the guilt by association.

                      1. I can not and will not be held responsible for what mentally ill people read into my site. Self-censorship is not the answer to mentally unbalanced people in our midst.

                      2. The fact is, in the absence of evidence - there is not a single scrap of evidence that any “targeted individual” anywhere has had things done to him that the system recognizes as a crime - we have to get a handle on how TI’s are being harmed. That means that, among other things, we have to acknowledge the psychological manipulation/torture tactics that drive many TI’s over a cliff. Those tactics include sensitization, etc., none of which are harmful in themselves - but obviously play a part in psychological warfare.

                      3. I’ve seen your surveillance video, and the only thing it’s evidence of is trespassing and possibly casing of the premises. Linking it to #### #####ing is a big stretch, and reinforces the notion that many TI’s are reading too much into everyday occurrences.

                      How did you come to believe your surveillance video is evidence of something more sinister? Through a process of psychological manipulation. What kinds of psychological manipulation tactics were used to get you to treat slightly off-color occurrences (like the behavior of the people in that video) as evidence of a vast network of stalkers/harassers/informants being used to keep you down, or to keep them busy? I cover those tactics.

                      You think you haven’t been fooled? Think again.

                      February 12, 2011 09:57:20 PM

                    • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                      • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                        1. I’d like to refer you to a bit of wisdom you just posted in a newer thread:

                        Right. When going over a TI’s testimony, what you have to keep in mind is:

                        1. There’s what’s really happening;
                        2. …what the TI sees happening;
                        3. …what the TI thinks is happening;
                        4. and what the TI is willing to tell others about.

                        These can be four very different things. It’s a distinction I harp on constantly - not so much point (4) as points 1-3, but thanks for touching on point (4).

                        I’ve gotten a lot better at figuring out what the discrepancies are between these different narratives.


                        And posit that the bulk of these “sensitization tactics” that I believe are the core issue that has led us to attract and retain these discrediting individuals, were simply a result of #3 that were so perpetuated they became accepted as factual- and thus it self perpetuates. Of course you can’t be held responsible for what the disturbed read into things and I would make clear this certainly didn’t start at areyoutargeted, and your work is amongst the most credible out there.
                        If there is fault in the passage I previously C/P’d it is the ambiguity which allows one to read too deeply into almost anything.

                        2. As for sensitization in general the rule I’m holding it up to is “is this something a normal person wth a healthy mind should notice? If he did would it bother him? If he knew it was part of a ”program“ will this further torment him or will he laugh in the face of those who believed it should?” Some TI’s accounts, like the one I provided a link to the last post on anon, are entirely made up of sensitization, and misperceptions of social situations best called “awkwardness”. If this was what the “program” consisted of then that “the anome” troll at wiki would be right and it could be dismissed as a belief system that we have all psyched ourselves into believing is really going on.
                        and this leads to the last point because I know we don’t want to end on that note.

                        3. The description I provide in that video makes it clear it is not proof of gangstalking. I am not good at editing and if I was maybe I would have put other parts of the DVD I was burning straight from the 3 camera feed on there for context. (I’m also being coy about divulging on youtube how much I have on them, there is much more)At that time perhaps 6 months had gone by with my suspecing new next door neighbors of having something to do with what I know now to be called gaslighing. I also captured that couple staked out in the park strategically situated with a line of sight down the hallway so they could see my front door. The video shows me leaving on my bicycle, the second I turn and walk away you see them watch this, get up, and go over to that next door neighbor’s fence and start a conversation with them, after I’d left. (it also showed some other suspicious behaviour on their part, may or may not be significant) I would also note those neighbors were tossinng around the same frisbee (white Master’s 165g) for a week or two later.
                        The video merely served to me as validation SOMEthing was going on, of a nefarious nature, and those neighbors were in fact part of it. That couple clearly had me staked out for observation, the video clip I didn’t put up makes that clear by the way they watch me leave then get up and intertact with the neighbors. It makes their weird behaviour in the yard more significant and back to the above point, proved once and for all in my mind that what I kept allowing the possibility of me cracking up, was some operation against me-that could not be explained away as normal events, and those neighbors were part of it- and I’ve confided in you there is undeniable reason for this to be such an effort.

                        February 13, 2011 03:52:09 PM

                      • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                        • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  jeremy

                          [I] posit that the bulk of these “sensitization tactics” that I believe are the core issue that has led us to attract and retain these discrediting individuals, were simply a result of #3 that were so perpetuated they became accepted as factual- and thus it self perpetuates…

                          The reason many people had a strong reaction to that article - and to similar lists of tactics - is because the tactics were familiar and triggering. Why were they triggering? Because they were used as part of a psychological torture protocol. You cannot discuss #### #####ing without talking about methods of psychological manipulation, even the trivial stuff.

                          And you’ll note that I go on to say, in that article:

                          “…the provocation comes from the disturbing manner in which stimuli are delivered. The manipulation comes from what the TI is led to believe the placement, frequency, and timing of the stimuli must mean.”

                          In other words, “sensitization” and “tactics” are not harmful in themselves. Just because some mentally unbalanced people think a particular set of tactics is the ne plus ultra of organized harassment does not mean I am forbidden to talk about them.

                          If there is fault in the passage I previously C/P’d it is the ambiguity which allows one to read too deeply into almost anything.

                          The ambiguity comes from taking the words out of context. The article as a whole makes it clear that the tactics, by themselves, are meaningless. They only take on meaning in the context of a program of psychological manipulation.

                          As for sensitization in general the rule I’m holding it up to is “is this something a normal person wth a healthy mind should notice? If he did would it bother him? If he knew it was part of a ”program“ will this further torment him or will he laugh in the face of those who believed it should?”

                          This is where we get to point #4, “what the TI is willing to tell others about.” The tactics used will often (not always, but often) build on something the TI doesn’t want to talk about. Grown men shouldn’t be bothered by people acting weird around them. For the tactics to take on meaning, there has to be a credible implied threat - like, for instance, something the TI is afraid of but doesn’t want to discuss.

                          Why do you think Lawson’s book about alleged “vigilante gangs” got so much traction? It’s because many TI’s are made to feel guilty about something, or are made to feel they’ve been smeared, and Lawson’s book caters to this belief system.

                          [about the video] I’m also being coy about divulging on youtube how much I have on them, there is much more… [I suspected my] new next door neighbors of having something to do with what I know now to be called gaslighing…

                          But you don’t have evidence of any breaking or entering, or any other real crime, or you would have pressed charges with all the video evidence you have. What you have are suspicions. Those suspicions are the product of psychological manipulation tactics which include “what you now know to be called gaslighting”.

                          Just because your complaints are more credible than those of the guy complaining about car color patterns doesn’t mean you haven’t been psychologically manipulated. The tactics – the overall strategy of deception – seem to have been used against you. Those tactics include sensitization - you have been sensitized to themes of hostility, spying, betrayal, etc. from your neighbors. That’s all I’m saying about the video(s).

                          February 13, 2011 09:07:12 PM

                        • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                          • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                            The ambiguity comes from taking the words out of context. The article as a whole makes it clear that the tactics, by themselves, are meaningless. They only take on meaning in the context of a program of psychological manipulation.

                            To make this short because I know it never works to tirade until someone agrees with me, I would posit that the community is manufacturing most of the psychological manipulation itself through perpetuation of false “tactics” that border on the absurd to really believe any humans are dispatched to accomplish for the program. I think almost everyone in the community- TI’s, wannabes, and those who may be either or both- would find greater peace of mind if we began to draw clear lines between what is obvious real perpertrators could do, and what they could not, instead of encourage some state of pseudo-reality summed up as “well it’s possible that has happened before, it’s likely you could be imagining that or have been led to believe that but it’s all part of the program so deal with it”. My words, but it’s what I’m reading out of it- and that list of tactics I C/P’d, in your words, Jeremy, the lights part would be things a program could do. Everything else is a persons’s own mind torturing itself. This is not good.
                            You’ve got your **** together and you are doing admirable things for the community. Some of these things could derail that train if you don’t recognize them.

                            February 14, 2011 01:34:22 AM

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                  • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  anon

                    You quoted me: “ Since “lawsuit” is barely applicable here, what proof would you consider valid and reliable?”

                    Then said:

                    You’re telling me my argument falls apart, why? Because you have blinders on? I don’t think so.


                    For the exact same reasons Jeremy stated below: if you think exposure of targeting or any other form of corruption depends on not one single person associated with these activities acting like a fool, you might as well throw in the towel. Further, I’ll reiterate my argument re: your analogy, that despite a few bad apples, the BSA is still very much alive and well. You seem, for some reason, to be compelled to spend all your effort on finding a few needles in a haystack What do you want to do, take down their Web sites? No really, once what’s your plan? Meanwhile, finally, a train that’s going somewhere is leaving the station. Whether or not you want to stay on board, with the way things are, is your choice.

                    Do you remember the NY Times article “sharing their demons on the web”?

                    Ah yes, glad you brought that up, because yep, based on my background in research, a) that was so blatantly a hit piece filled with guilt by association trope as to be laughable and b) the researchers cited in the article, due to their university affiliations, are either revealing themselves as professionally out of the loop of their peers’ research activities, or, they’re just plain bald-faced liars, hoping no one will google their stations/activities beyond the original article. I frikkin loved it, but that’s because I know a hit piece of this variety when I see one. I thought about parsing that particular quackery, but then I figured my post might end up being too long, and possibly too revelatory, really. It doesn’t matter to me much anymore, because as far as I can see, it’s getting buried in a mountain of evidence that suggests quite otherwise.

                    You quoted me:
                    “No, I’m glad to say it’s not. That’s the way things WERE. The world’s changing. Finally.”

                    Then added:

                    that was funny. can I sell that to Leno? If you really think that you’re part of the problem, I needn’t elaborate on that.

                    I don’t even get your rejoinder. It’s nonsensical. In this situation, throughout this ordeal, one of my main goals has been to see people persuaded to think more critically and to understand the veritable machine that is behind this, and moreover, how it is affecting them, too. When I say the world is changing, I’m saying we TIs are seeing some returns on our investments. And that’s a good thing.

                    Oh and I repeat: Assange: wholly irrelevant. If it had anything to do with OS/EH/MC you sure as hell wouldn’t see it in writing like that. The Justice and Defense Dept’s have made no bones about trying to shut down wikilinks, the only person who sees this as a smoking gun might be Pollyanna. This is not some revelation of secret policy, the whole thing has been out on the table with him from the start.

                    You couldn’t possibly have read the whole .pdf (muchless Googled the names & phrases that I suggested). That alone is obvious from your statement. The .pdf is a treasure trove of proof of exactly what you said it’s not: secret policy - coordinated covert activity to plant disinformation to disrupt lawful organizing and reporting. Nice attention span, too. Because if you’d even looked, you’d notice there are other pivotal persons named in the document and their activities, on a large scale, mirror many of the activities carried out on a smaller scale by us nobodies.

                    That’s why it’s completely relevant.
                    And plain to see.

                    February 12, 2011 07:51:59 AM

                  • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                    • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                      You quoted me: “ Since “lawsuit” is barely applicable here, what proof would you consider valid and reliable?”

                      Then said:

                      You’re telling me my argument falls apart, why? Because you have blinders on? I don’t think so.


                      For the exact same reasons Jeremy stated below: if you think exposure of targeting or any other form of corruption depends on not one single person associated with these activities acting like a fool, you might as well throw in the towel. Further, I’ll reiterate my argument re: your analogy, that despite a few bad apples, the BSA is still very much alive and well. You seem, for some reason, to be compelled to spend all your effort on finding a few needles in a haystack What do you want to do, take down their Web sites? No really, once what’s your plan? Meanwhile, finally, a train that’s going somewhere is leaving the station. Whether or not you want to stay on board, with the way things are, is your choice.

                      I’m obviously talking to a wall here because you actually, laughably, did state “the world is changing”. For someone who touts deep knowledge of psychiatry and similar human behavioural issues, you really aren’t displaying it. If you display a group of objects, people will always point to the odd one that stands out- never mind that portraying the number of TI’s who the public will identify as disturbed- whether they are or not- as a “needle in a haystack” is simply more putting your head in the sand. When people argue issues they seek the easy argument, I often tell people in a political debate just find the one false statement in a ream of good points, grab it don’t let go of it and you will see this train derailed if you don’t straighten out its tracks before you reach a critical point. They will just point at the delusional faction and if you then refuse to recognize they are so that is evidence you may also be.

                      This also reflects another fundamental of debate- if you expect your opposition to consider your point of view, you cannot sit there and deny the factually obvious part of their position as false. What will you do when this “train” pulls up at the station? Continue to deny that many in the community are exactly what they are saying they are? It simply makes YOU look delusional as well because that lack of ability to self reflect is a trademark of the disease. Moreover it insults the intelligence of people we would be trying to enlist the help of. Is that a good idea?

                      The problem here is the faction we are talking about is the most vocal as well- take our license plate guy at FFCHS, that’s not the only place he’s been posting you know. There’s a couple other boards with hundreds of his posts.
                      Look at Scrivener. Hundreds of articles at NowPublic. Posting at major national publication blogs with links leading to those articles.

                      We’ll say you and I and Jeremy are far more rational than the scriveners, and the 900 cars guy, and the license plate guy. What’s it matter when those two, by the oblivious, detached nature of their reality, have 10x the spread of material we do?

                      As for the Times piece, well you call it a hit piece but they do interview a TI who is clearly disturbed and refuses to see it. I used it as an example of the public’s perception of TI’s when we allow a disturbed person to exist in the community unchallenged. It clearly proves my point, though you still refuse to see a problem with inclusion of the disturbed in the community. Again, IMO this makes you part of the problem.

                      I’ll ignore further references to wikilinks. I did read the entire document (you might be surprised to know despite only being formally educated through 11th grade, my reading comprehension score in 5th grade approached 1000 wpm) and you may have missed a wee bit of important thing there- that document is a proposal from a private IT security company. It’s irrelevant on every level. Well gee you showed the government might have at their disposal an arsenal of dirty tricks to use against a foreign born person leaking classified data which places our national security in jeopardy. (previous leaks of informants in Afghanistan and Iraq did cause irreparable harm and may ultimately cost some of our soldiers their lives- sorry not a lot of love for this guy here)

                      Explain again how this is relevant? How about we stay on topic instead?

                      February 12, 2011 03:27:07 PM

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                      • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  anon

                        John, we’re just going to have to agree to disagree. We’re looking at the situation from different angles, putting different emPHAsis on different sylLAbles. I see the situation as getting somewhat better, though incrementally, and I view the attempt to parse a) persons w/MI who aren’t TIs from b) persons who are TIs who also have MIs from c) persons who have been targeted for so long they’re now showing symptoms of extreme duress and reactive neuronal re-wiring. I just don’t see how, from where you’re sitting, you hope to do that. Yes, you can call them out to prove themselves sane, but that’s a vicious cycle, and quite frankly could actually be exacerbating the very presenting symptoms that set you off. Instead of wasting my time with that, I’d rather do my part to improve the conditions within which we all live.

                        February 12, 2011 04:48:53 PM

                      • parent  |  reply  |  quote
                        • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  johninSD

                          persons who have been targeted for so long they’re now showing symptoms of… …reactive neuronal re-wiring.

                          This is a claim you make as factual as an alleged professional in the field. Can you educate me by supporting this with a credible reference?

                          I just don’t see how, from where you’re sitting, you hope to do that.

                          I repeat, is it really that difficult?


                          read as much or as little as necessary, if you still say you are unable to make this judgement on the most obvious we’ll have to go to a more personal level. I’m not here to name call because this matter is far bigger then you or I and discrediting you does not further my fortunes. (what’s worse is he’s got a following, the comments include a guy experiencing severe testical pain- they both blame it on “perps” and who knows how long he will put off real medical care- the man could die from a malignant cancer by not seeking medical attention just so this guy can soothe his vanity and that is irresponsible, and this sort of thing is rampant in the community. It’s got to stop.)

                          Instead of wasting my time with that, I’d rather do my part to improve the conditions within which we all live.

                          It seems to me every time the community has gained the ear of an interested audience to garner sympathy the end result is that it’s dismissed as the complaints of the delusional. The philosophy continues nonetheless to be simply “we just gotta get the word out what’s going on here” through education of tactics, etc. The result is the continued recruitment of the delusional into our ranks and the only word reaching the public and few sympathetic ears we have left is when you look deeper into our story you find delusional people-and little else to take action on. Too often the “community” sees TI’s rushing to defend the most ridiculous of accounts in the spirit of “support” and this is what the delusional seek from it. We shouldn’t need coddling or validation and attempt to grow our ranks with others. Moreover if a “tactic” is not physically harmful or obviously a crime we should not expect the public or authorities to feel sympathy or take action to stop. Otherwise it leads to contemptuous ridicule. (not my fault! people are just that way)

                          I’m not here to fight you, even with past interactions I don’t dislike you. That doesn’t mean I don’t desire to figuritively speaking, whack you on the head with a hammer with these points that everyone in the community must grasp before any progress can be expected:

                          Purge the obvious nutters, stop inviting them with questionable “tactics” which mimic the distorted perceptions their disease causes them to observe anyway, or we will forever be dismissable by their conspicuous examples.

                          (I believe I have more than stated my position and out of respect will thus vacate this blog entry unless significant rebuttal is offered)

                          February 12, 2011 07:39:12 PM

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                    • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  anon

                      “No, I’m glad to say it’s not. That’s the way things WERE. The world’s changing.

                      that was funny. can I sell that to Leno?

                      meh. I’m really selective about late nite jokesters. Though some ppl may be just joining the programming, so much of it is just tired, old retreads to those of us who have been tuned for awhile. I swear some of the writers must be legends in their own minds, allowed to project their worst garbage out there (and there’s a fool born every minute to lap it up). They seem capable of the fantastic, like they could just take a shirts and skins flag football game and recast the whole event like they’re Victor Silva directing the rain-dance scene in Powder. They’re either out of ideas or the ones they have aren’t fit for mainstream consumption. All I can say is that when it comes to some of these characters, choose wisely.

                      February 12, 2011 06:51:47 PM

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          • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  JackOrr

            Those are the plans of the Police, FBI and CIA everybodys perps, Dont believe fake T.I’s blaming some one else for all their crimes. Those are the dirty tricks of the terrorists

            February 11, 2011 12:48:37 PM

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            • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  Roxanne

              You mention 5 were let go. What were the circumstances?

              February 18, 2011 04:48:07 PM

            • reply  |  quote
              • Re: Let go  jeremy

                It’s just the answer to the first (multiple-choice) question.

                I assume it means, “I am not being targeted right now in any obvious way.”

                February 18, 2011 07:37:17 PM

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              • Re: Targeted individuals aren't schizophrenic (survey results, 2  Justin

                Targets have good reason to be afraid they’ll be falsely diagnosed as mentally ill, and that a false diagnosis will be ruinous.

                So it has happened for me, unfortunately.

                February 18, 2011 09:35:46 PM

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