Posted by jeremy on September 30, 2010 5:16 am.

… the psychological assaults are non-stop, occupying every waking moment… The episode may last a couple of months, but no longer.

Targets complaining about organized stalking have tales of extreme harassment to share. These episodes involve the participation of up to hundreds of people over the course of a day in a highly coordinated fashion, and seem traumatic, almost without exception.

Let’s be honest with ourselves. These harassment episodes are important - in fact, they practically define how the target sees the world for several years afterward - but they aren’t very frequent. Veteran targets I’ve been talking with about this subject are in agreement with me that only one extreme harassment episode is necessary in what we think of as "the program".

It may only happen once to a given target, but it’s a practically universal experience for targets. The near-universality of this tactic suggests it must have an important role to play in targeting.

Let’s look at the structure of extreme harassment episodes, what their role is, and how they’re arranged.

The run up to the episode

In preparation for extreme harassment, it’s very important to sensitize the target to a handful of key themes:

Conspicuous surveillance and the Human Wall psychological operation are described in “Psychological warfare”.

  1. People are watching the target and keeping tabs on him, no matter where he goes. This is typically accomplished with conspicuous surveillance - that is, following the target and going out of the way to let him know he’s being followed.
  2. They are working together, and hostile. A tiny number of very memorable episodes (such as a “human wall”) in which it is conveyed to the target that a group of people are aware of their relationship to each other and the target, and hostile to the target, should suffice to leave the desired impression on the target.
  3. They’re only speaking to the target through a secret language. It may not matter what particular events or objects the target is sensitized to. The main objective is to make the target aware of how common occurrences are used in a context-sensitive way to communicate messages in public view. These occurrences will be completely unnoticed to everyone else, possibly even the people sending the messages.

The trap has been set. The target is ready to receive a highly calculated, and invisible, psychological attack. What happens next is something that no reasonable person would expect.

The episode

The defining characteristics of an extreme harassment episode are that the psychological assaults are non-stop, occupying every waking moment; that many people the target previously trusted participate; and that there is no escape, no matter what the target does to try to flee. The episode may last a couple of months, but no longer. The architects of the psychological warfare schedule underlying targeting programs seem to have a good grasp of how long it typically takes to radically alter a person’s world view.

It helps to synchronize the episode with an event of major significance to the target. The event itself may be stressful; or the target may suffer anxiety from preparing for the event while having to deal with the harassment.

The target’s reactions to the harassment are observed, in some ways that are obvious to the target at the time, and other ways that the target couldn’t anticipate1. The reactions help focus the harassment during the episode, and also help identify the most traumatic stimuli for later use.

Why extreme harassment plays such an important part in targeting

The non-stop, and inescapable, highly focused harassment is intended to sustain a prolonged state of heightened anxiety in which the target fears for his life. The target’s conscious mind is bypassed. Physiological changes in the target’s brain occur2, specifically in the amygdala, responsible for processing threats3.

What kinds of memories are formed during an extreme harassment episode?

  • A lot of people are out to get you. Repeated displays of hostility, and a few memorable displays of group hostility, leading up to (and possibly coinciding with) the extreme harassment episode cause the target to interpret every single event in the episode as evidence of hostility. Those events will be psychologically anchored to or associated with the obvious displays of hostility.
  • Nobody can be trusted; they’re all in on it. People the target trusted are induced, tricked, or subliminally influenced into participating, creating memories of betrayal.
  • They’re being sneaky about it. The target has been trained to expect very subtle signs of hostility. Careless words or actions, casual glances, random pieces of trash, and so on, may be construed as evidence a person is “in on it”.

These long-lasting and vivid emotional memories help turn the target into his own worst enemy. Only very minor triggers from people he meets, which may be the product of subliminal commands4, are necessary to refresh the feelings of persecution.

The logistics of extreme harassment

Episodes like these are clearly planned weeks or months in advance, suggesting foreknowledge of the circumstances the episode is designed around. The target’s harassers likely played a part in engineering those circumstances.

The target’s will is subverted on one or more levels, making it hard to escape, and making his perpetrators’ job easier. He may not have the freedom to leave the situation in which the extreme harassment is occurring (such as at a workplace or near the target’s residence); alternatively, the target’s panicky decisions about where to go next might not be the product of his own free will4.

It is likely that operatives are moved into place beforehand, at key locations close to the target’s residence and possibly even at his workplace. Several psychological warfare tactics from a seemingly standardized playbook can be deployed against the target at a moment’s notice, using operatives in place, or if the target is moving around freely, using mind control technology5 on people around him6. There may also be a playbook consisting of original themes, specifically directed at that one target.


What targets think of as organized stalking is part of a program. This program has several elements common to most targets’ campaigns, including the use of an extremely deceptive and traumatizing harassment episode.

A very deliberate psychological warfare schedule leading up to and encompassing an extreme harassment episode ends up physically altering the target’s brain. Having lived through such an episode, the target processes information about threats or potential threats very differently. Under the circumstances, and given the secret edge enjoyed by targets’ perpetrators4, it is perfectly understandable that many targets are led on wild goose chases for years.

  1. ^ Targets are deceived about many things, including just how extensive the surveillance used against them is, and how long it’s been used. See: “What information can be gathered through the use of mental surveillance?”
  2. ^ href="">"Does stress damage the brain?"; JD Bremner - Biological Psychiatry, 1999.
  3. ^; “Through behavioural modifications, the amygdala can be modified to react differently. During high anxiety, the amygdala can be modified to react with higher levels of anxiety and this can then become fixed causing an anxiety disorder such as panic disorder, OCD or phobias.”
  4. ^ a b c I’ve been arguing that a person’s will can be subverted by subliminal commands delivered through the use of mind control technology. The recipient of subliminal commands would have no reason to believe the ideas he was getting weren’t his own. See: “Totally undetectable mind control: subliminal commands, explained”.
  5. ^ “Your mind-controlled perps (and why they don’t get a free pass)”; August 2010.
  6. ^ A deliberate swarming/crowding tactic, in which large numbers of people seem to be nearby at all times, seems to be commonly used. These swarms/crowds of people are nothing more than ammunition in the psychological operation.


Archived comments (no replies allowed)

  1.   Targeted

    I totally agree that the Target’s reactions are being observed to use what make us react most. In that sense we may be participating in our own demise but is only human to react to the extreme stimuli we Targets are exposed to on a daily basis. Believe it or not my perps apply every single instance Tis mention in every forum. The psychological warfare is indeed so damning to our existence.

    October 1, 2010 10:09:23 AM

    •   jeremy

      Stress: It’s worse than you think at Psychology Today.

      The effects of stress are even more profound than imagined. It penetrates to the core of our being. Stress is not something that just grips us and, with time or effort, then lets go. It changes us in the process. It alters our bodies—and our brains.

      December 1, 2010 03:23:30 PM

      •   pam

        i want to know how they get away with immitating you to a certain degree then proceed to get people to beleave stupid stuff when for like myself i work in a shopping mall and obviously im at work and not out doing all this stupid stuff and why they really enjoy harrassing disabled people and litterally picking on ill children.

        December 26, 2010 06:31:25 AM

          •   jeremy

            I want to know how they get away with imitating you… get people to believe stupid stuff…

            This is where we get into the subject of covert hostility.

            1. You notice others imitating you, but does anyone else? Are others watching and laughing? Or is it just something that’s really irritating to you?
            2. You may have noticed others speaking or acting in a way which indicate they “believe stupid things” about you. But what do they really believe? How many of these people have told you point blank that they believe these falsehoods about you?

            Is it possible they don’t know anything about you at all, but are being made or ordered to act or speak in certain ways in your presence?

            December 26, 2010 08:56:08 AM

      •   Carol Baldwin

        My new neighbor, a decent guy, has told me that others in my apartments have asked him about me. When he first moved here, he was outside and talked with me about ourselves and our faith more than a few times. When I asked them what they were asking him, he hung his head and wouldn’t answer me. When I pursued this, he just said that he’d rather not repeat it. I know that I have some ‘mechanism’ inside my brain where they flash bad stuff and that this is somehow projected out to others. Thank you, Carol Baldwin

        December 26, 2010 09:16:43 PM