Posted by jeremy on January 24, 2011 6:38 pm.
Organized harassment can be thought of as psychological manipulation, psychological torture, or even brainwashing. Sensitization is an important tool of manipulation, and often one of the very first steps in a campaign of organized harassment.
Sensitization involves making a target audience aware that a certain stimulus - a sound, shape or color, for example - is significant. This stimulus becomes part of a secret language shared between the target audience and the persons using the stimuli.
How a stimulus is made significant
Sensitization’s primary purpose is to make it possible to manipulate or provoke the target audience, deniably…
Pay attention to me: a person may go out of his way to draw your attention to the stimulus. Or, someone may display obvious aggression (again, catching your attention) while delivering the stimulus: the honking of a car horn; an article of clothing; his ethnicity; and so on.
Repetition: the stimulus may occur far more often than chance allows.
Doing it to yourself: when trying to “catch the stalkers”, for example, you may study the license plates of cars that seem to be involved. In this example, you’re training yourself to pay attention to license plate codes, setting yourself up for disturbing exposures later.
Stimuli targets get sensitized to, and how they’re all alike
There are a wide variety of possible stimuli, but there’s one characteristic they all share: they’re all extremely common. This strategy serves a few purposes.
- The stimuli the target has been sensitized to will be available in a wide variety of scenarios, to be used at a moment’s notice.
- It’s easy to deny. These stimuli could come from any number of sources with no obvious connection to a psychological warfare campaign.
- The target can expect to encounter the stimulus repeatedly, and he may end up right where his harassers want him - grappling with demons that his own mind has created, imagining total innocents to be ‘in on it’.
Objectives; and, observations
Sensitization is great for covert operations involving illegal or quasi-legal activity, with ‘buffers’ to shield higher-ups from the consequences of what their henchmen do. (Deniability is a good buffer.) This tactic is a good fit for intelligence organizations.
Once sensitized, the target audience is in a position to receive secret messages which the general public will not notice. In short, sensitization’s primary purpose is to make it possible to manipulate or provoke the target audience, deniably.
For a targeted individual, the provocation comes from the disturbing manner in which stimuli are delivered. The manipulation comes from what the TI is led to believe the placement, frequency, and timing of the stimuli must mean.
You may have drawn several conclusions from the sounds and sights you were exposed to, and their context. But you’ve never been told those conclusions directly; you were allowed to believe them.
In principle, there’s nothing wrong with sending or receiving secret messages; however, you should only act on secret messages as a peer, not as a minion scurrying about trying to divine the will of unseen or even imagined masters. If you form opinions or act on the basis of these messages without knowing their significance, you’re a puppet in the hands of the messages’ originators.
To restore your free will and counter the manipulative nature of the secret messages, you have to know what you’re being asked to do. Without that knowledge – and you’re never going to know by what “they” tell you – you might as well learn to ignore the messages.
Common pitfalls
Trap #1: mental illness trap
A person who has been sensitized should be careful in complaining about the stimuli. Ill-considered complaints will support a psychiatric diagnosis of delusions of reference (a delusional belief that common events refer to the complainant).1
Trap #2: gathering ‘evidence’
Having had his eyes opened to a secret world, or so he imagines, a targeted individual or member of a targeted audience may seek to gather proof with which to win the public over. By obsessively searching for instances of the stimuli to document, the person is playing into his manipulators’ hands - he’s hyper-sensitizing himself to the stimuli.
Beating sensitization
There are three basic approaches to teaching yourself to ignore the provocations associated with secret messages.
By deliberately over-exposing yourself to the stimuli, you’ll become desensitized to them.
- Move to an area where you can expect to experience the stimulus frequently.
- Play audio stimuli in a portable music player.
- Watch visual stimuli in movies, or scatter them all over the place.
- If the stimulus is time-themed, you could set a computerized alarm to go off during those times.
Public confrontation.
If the use of a stimulus is obvious and in public (usually involving an actor), draw peoples’ attention to it - but don’t be predictable about this.
For example, when I was having lunch with another TI in a cafeteria, a beggar entered the room and headed directly for our table, ignoring everyone else, and asked me for change. I exclaimed loudly, “Did you see that? The beggar didn’t go anywhere else– just my table. This happens all the time!”
If you’re willing to be confrontational, but you’re also unpredictable about it, you can expect the tactics you’re exposing to be dropped.
This strategy is not recommended, but if you feel that a particular ethnicity or type of person has it in for you, it can be very hard to convince yourself otherwise until you’ve had a respite. Try finding some place to live where you’re not going to run into them. (If you’re moving into an apartment building, you could request as a condition of your lease that if any of the next door neighbors are a nuisance, you have the right to move out immediately.)
- ^ Andreasen, Nancy C. (1984). "Scale for the assessment of positive symptoms"; The Movement Disorder Society. (local copy)
This article is SOOOOO good. My new found paranoia makes me feel as if you are tracking my life..:). But seriously, I think this is great advice and something I had not thought about was the “request as a condition of your lease.” As far as over-exposure, this is an EXCELLENT way to become desensitized. For me, I am desensitized greatly. However, it’s why I think I have been vandalized so extremely.
I say this on the conference calls always, DO NOT GATHER EVIDENCE!!! Do NOT fall into the traps of thinking you have friends if you have been targeted for a long duration.
One thing, Jeremy, is that you don’t stress that there is not one motive or group. At the end of the day, it’s meant to brainwash, discredit and create a reference for future intentions with a T.I. I think that these tactics can be administered by almost anyone and any group. I still haven’t ruled out that this is a game like a snuff film that rich men create knowing that it will result in a death of a young girl.
Most T.I.s have to get used to the idea of death. IF they do not face this fear, they will sabotage themselves over and over again. Most of us are not ready to understand the cruelty and apathy of mankind. Each T.I. must accept this primary understanding. Yes, LIFE IS UNFAIR. The quicker one realizes this, the sweeter life gets and T.I.s can enjoy the basics of life.
How to desensitize when they try to make sure they establish eye-contact up close in situations where I am doing mundane things like walking out the door or getting the mail (some of my stalkers live right next door). Combined with that are prior (private) death threats and vandalism/break-ins including putting bleach and heavy drugs like Rohyphnol in my food/water, and also other serious attacks. So, the sensitization is combined with the threat of immediate danger, not merely harassment. Suggestions? Avoidance, yes. Confrontation is what they want so that won’t work. Over-exposure–I get this every day, that’s the problem. I don’t know how to reprogram this so I am desensitized.
Hello, and really well summed-up article! These sensitizing methods have been a large part of our lives for far too long. I am glad you’ve written about it. You are absolutely right, especially important is NOT to AVOID the stimuli they throw your way…I tried this for years and found that it only somehow triggered a great amount of fear toward this stimuli - which then created anxiety in my brain - which in turn created what the neurologists call a brain ‘loop’. It will continue to go round and round in your brain and stay stuck there and cause a very fearful, anxious reaction which will also continue to cause a ‘bad’ reaction within your brain to this stimuli which they have already embedded. It does as stated work a lot better to train your brain to cope with the sensitizing. I found this out the hard way and am still working on it, but it is a better way, as Jeremy and others also have found. Thank you.
In common pitfalls you say the collection of evidence serves to help sensitize the victim. This is true and I collect no evidence. However people on the outer edges of this are EYE WITNESSES with information we have no access to. I have been able to influence my harassers. The allegations against me have fallen apart due to persistently unravelling the deceptions over years. They may not tell me whats happening (Woe be to them if they do!) but they ARE influenced, like water wearing away rock. I really feel as if there is a lot of progress in my case.
No one wants to live in a corrupt society, the people lower down are not fully aware or logical about what they’re doing. We can help them see more clearly.
Thank you for this article, Jeremy!
I have a related , but different problem. Since I live in a small town, I know who most of my perpetrators are, and I am sensitized to THEM. I certainly do NOT wish to spend more time around them to desensitize myself! Perhaps you or some of your readers might have some suggestions for me.
That’s one of the points I made in the article. I don’t recommend avoidance as a general rule, but when it’s specific people (or certain “types”) who are setting you off, it’s better for your peace of mind if you get them out of your life - by moving to a new area, for example. Without some time away from them, it may be very hard to convince yourself that they’re harmless.
Dont go on a wild goose chase trying to track down all the different stimulation your stalkers will provide for you and what the meaning is behind it. If you do, then you are playing right into their game. Learn not to assign any meaning mentally to what they do to try and get your attention. That is the real trick to beating it or more realistically subduing it to a level that is tolerable to you. Desensitization can also be done mentally by telling you mind not to react to your stalkers stimulation as it is happening to you. Eventually, if done enough you can recondition your mind to treat any stimulus they throw at you as normal every day stuff again with no loaded meaning behind it.
I totally agree with the idea of sensitization. I myself have been exposed to it. This fits in very well with the idea of implants. Somehow, as a target, you are attracting attention to yourself and are open to suggestions. This has been the case, where strangers would approach me for no good reason. However, it could be that the implant was creating perceptions that wern’t even there to begin with. In my case, people were ‘sticking out there tongues’ at me. However, after realizing that mind control technologies were being used (five years later), I began to realize that these perceptions were falsely created and that I wasn’t seeing what was really there to begin with. A lot of times, I think the best thing to do is to just ignore it. No use starting confrontations for nothing.
I agree with not confronting someone when they are only harassing from a non-physical or non-verbal way. However, STAND YOUR GROUND. If they get into your space, constantly say degrading things to you in third person, YOU MUST CONFRONT THEM. I did this for a solid month and have not had any problems since. I still get followed, folks still sometimes make crazy noises, but I’m completely desensitized to it now. What is happening to us is very traumatic and even more so when your own family and friends (total support system) has been targeting you for years for whatever reasons.
My belief is that the majority of these folks are a part of a cult. For targets, someone is always around. If they could detect you via implant, my stalkers would not constantly be concerned about where I’m moving to. Don’t fall for magic tricks or scare tactics revolving around weapons.
I recommend everyone watch the movie the Matrix. There is a line in which Morpheus says they live in a world of rules in which they cannot break them. Metaphorically, this is true. They have been brainwashed and do not know how to respond to actions that don’t fit within your profile. If you are a victim, it means that you are an anomaly–that you cannot be controlled like the rest (again, this is metaphor..don’t think I am truly believing we are a simulated computer Because these folks have surveilled you for SOOOO LONG and most targeting you started with a family member, neighbor or someone close to know exactly who you are, your mind is conditioned towards abuse. You are A RITUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR OF COERCIVE PERSUASION. Stop saying targeted individual and gang stalking. The only reason it feels so unreal now is because technology has enabled the crazy mutherfcukers to take over. It’s why the ACLU warned about the number of civilian spies that we now have in the United States outnumbering the number of those in E. Germany during the holocaust. These are NOT magic tricks folks. Wake up and recognize your power. You are smarter because you are not as susceptible to the mind tricks. Many of these “gang stalking” sites are developed to SCARE YOU. On the conference calls, many of the perpetrators HOST these calls. There are grants offered by the government to analyze and report your “test results” and behavior back to researchers to refine how effective their techniques are. Don’t fall into the trap. Stand up for yourself, know your rights, protect yourself in terms of safety and health at all times and LIVE YOUR LIFE.
I have just opted out of one website that is, from many months of participating in it, I believe very much run by “perpetrators”. In fact, I have not yet found a website that is actually authentically out to help. Jonjay, I see we cannot write private emails, but if you want to openly suggest any website, any reference (beyond this excellent site) info would be appreciated. Otherwise, I can’t believe how misleading the “gang stalking” sites are, how they lead you to the wrong technology by offering semi-correct information and wasting your time, especially with conspiracy theories. You can tell who is a perp by the amount of conspiracy theories they have, they want you to be paranoid and begin mimicking them so you sound even more irrational.
Sorry, that’s not intentional. The web site has been rewritten from the ground up and I just haven’t gotten around to adding that feature. I can tell people want it so I’ll be adding it very soon.
I am by now, from real experience, extremely skeptical of websites for TI’s, and skeptical of private emails too from other members on a site, and with good reason!
On another site (I would love to name names) one of the “moderators” sent me a very violent cartoon YouTube video through private mail on the site, but said it wasn’t him but someone else who had hacked in to his email! Right. Then another moderator “TI” wrote to me and asked for my private email address, then told me of activity I had done online when I lived in Thailand last year, adding that I should begin to pray because obviously the “perps” were out to get me. These are featured moderators on that website, and the moderators of many sites work together with moderators of other sites. And all the sites internationally have the same format, the same types of conspiracy theories to make the “TI’s” feel hopeless and powerless against this “new world order”.
So I think you limiting this to open forum for all to see is best, Jeremy, because it encourages transparency which is I think critical to help filter out the many, many “perps” infiltrating websites (or creating websites) But, for other people who feel the need to connect with someone else they believe is authentic, that is the question, how to do it so they are not beguiled by fake “perp” overtures of friendship–which can be dangerous?
Another technique that has been used to sensitize me is always having people refer to me as ‘it’, so that people could talk about me indirectly in front of my face without being able to confront them about it. They could always say they were referring to something else. Ie. “It’s quite a handful. What should we do about it? I hate it. Well, that’s it.”, etc. I would stand there for a long time listening to random strangers hoping they would give me hints as to what was really going on, since everyone seemed to be in on the conspiracy. It was only later that I realized that people wern’t actually saying these things and that words were being put in people’s mouths via voice cloning and artificial intelligence technologies. Very deceptive.
I find full acceptance of our situation relieves the negative reaction. When I see these silly people, I feel sorry for them, and that they have chosen to participate in such antics. I try to laugh (obviously, as I point, holding my belly), I think “good for you” or “whatever”………
I only record as evidence when I know I can use it in a future court case against specific perpetrators and it will be indisputable.
Thank you for a great article and I do miss your conference calls.
By deliberately over-exposing yourself to the stimuli, you’ll become desensitized to them.
eye really like tis 1– tis is wht eye do– tis is a very GOoD article- todah(thax)–
A person dropped in here a while ago and left a lengthy comment starting with sensitization, moving on to themes he’s been trying to hammer through in the past. Since that comment is somewhat inflammatory, I’m just going to quote the part of the comment that seems to be at the root of a misunderstanding of this article.
The point of the article you responded to is not, “OMG! Sensitization is a crime against humanity!”, but rather, “This is one of the ways you’ve been manipulated. Now you know, so get over it.”
Sensitization in itself is no big deal, it’s the manipulative messages delivered with stimuli you’ve been sensitized to that are. The psychological manipulation is the reason many TI’s become virtual shut-ins, either frightened of or angry at the world (or large numbers of strangers), for years. I’m trying to get people to see past the messages.
(delete accidental repeat post)
I don’t think I misunderstood the article as much as you perceived, and I do think it’s positive message that TI’s getting over it is a good thing and I believe my tone toward the article was in good faith.
I think however we are going to quickly become in disagreement here that most of this long list of sensitization tactics was ever actually going on in the first place, though you are vague about much of that.
“Psychological Manipulation”. Okay, but on whose part and how did this occur?
I believe the bulk, but not all of these things, was disinformation in the first place. It’s obviously absurd anyone EVER organized 1000 cars to be scattered all over a Canadian city parked in order by color to get under someone’s skin. It is plausible a TI whose stalking had a lot of perps who they had face to face contact knew they could get get under their skin with a pet peeve like jangling keys or clicking pens. I think, and I believe you echo this in previous posts, it is incredibly unlikely any TI’s should expect to have dozens of perps dispatched around them to do the same thing hoping these idiosyncrasies drive them nuts.
So where do you and I meet eye to eye on this? The psychological manipulation is, to me, on the level of all the disinformation going on in the community and I gave a perfect example of how it was happening to me. Would you posit people are stationed everywhere with cars waiting to make us jump with a horn honk? Or am I right and the person who started that never realized keyless entry vehicles so equipped were everywhere? What drives this disinformation mill? It’s not hard to figure and it’s not all who you might think. I could even say you are a participant in it but I didn’t mention this before. You are injecting your own deep philosophies about manipulative messages into the equation and adding to the possible psychological mindf*** for some, with little factual basis- when it would be more beneficial to almost everyone to just be blunt and say “you know guys most of this was bullshyte in the first place, each thing has an explanation so eliminate each one and then forget about them and go on living with all these levels of terror removed”. Your article catalogues the whole lot (even a few new ones- strategically placed pieces of trash? WTF?) which affirms and validates them as real then suggests the terrorized victim should now ignore what you just confirmed. Maybe I’m rude and crude but “you’ve been misled. dispense with the known BS and let’s see if there’s anything to any of this” seems so much easier to me.
Finally, maybe you had better come around to at least acknowledging my “inflammatory message” unless you fancy TI activism as a permanent life for yourself. How’s that “just gotta get the message out to the public” philosophy workin’ for ya, Jeremy? This is what they are hearing:
It hasn’t changed and while some would dismiss that as propaganda for “the program” I for one have not so isolated myself as a member of the community from the public to not realize from their point of view she’s got it 100% right. While you question the relevance of my post to your topic, you might have missed that the tactics often described as sensitization are the most easily pointed to by critics and if there is an obvious nutter amongst us that is the person who will be on the cover of the Times, not you or I.
And as for inflaming anyone it’s no secret many forums are now proliferated by people searching for “support”, and “networking” with others that “share their problem” and will be “understanding” and listen to their complaints. Sound familiar?
I came looking to end this garbage before it gets to another stage of people, then another, and another. Not to make friends or see if I could help build a vast community of others who would coddle my complaints everyone in my life laughed at.
On that consider every community has roles for its members. Let someone else run for mayor, I hope in a few years I’ll never have reason to contact any TI about anything. So if I must, I’ll be the guy who gets hated for calling bullshyte when I see it, the only way to hurt my feelings is I’m found to be the bullshyter.
I didn’t see that link proved to not be an example of claims of sensitization used to widely ridicule every single one of us and set back the cause. He was interviewed for the Times article above.
Jeremy, most of all I hope you have not forgotten your raison d’etre is planned obsolescence.
John in San Diego
There’s also self-perping, which I know you’re aware of, and which I alluded to in the article - did you not notice?
There’s also disinformation, and misleading framing - which is something I’m going to have to build up to. This article is only a building block. It’s not the whole picture, any more than what you know about targeting a few months in is the whole picture.
Like it or not, I have to talk about this stuff because so many people in my boat are talking about it. Sensitization is a legitimate psychological warfare tactic, but its significance is widely misinterpreted. “Sensitization”, itself, is not the goal - manipulation is the goal.
The target’s perceptions play a role, and those perceptions have to be addressed. If they are not addressed in a cogent way then we’ll keep getting sh*tty testimonies from people who should be on our side, for years.
I’m quite sick of writing about or hearing about targeting. But I have to get the record straight, to save myself, and to stop my “allies” from screwing me over.
That’s what Take II is about. Getting it right, and then forgetting about it.
You’d better believe it.
i need help I cant stand this I have children and every time they break me I lean toward a “bottle” . I am in so much pain and Iknow they hit the nerves behind my knees, throat and lower back. I feel my kids are in danger. I have noticed the change of thinking in my husband and friend.
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